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Olivia's POV:

"Did you absolutely have to come?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

This guy is literally the most stubborn human species in existence ever.

Turns out his undercover mission went smoother than expected. Emanuel wasn't physically present there so it was easier to gather information.

Apparently, Emanuel had been smuggling some weapons and shit from this library in Brooklyn. Not only was he smuggling but also making some weapons, he was planning to attack us during the shipment with the Russians. 5 days from now, we had a big drug deal shipment with the Russians. Ivan, Russian mob was going to be there too.

When Blaze told us about this it immediately clicked me. When I had initially started as an assassin, I remember getting daggers and guns from this library which had an underground space, we use to do the payments there too.

Turns out few of Emanuel's men were incharge of that place, but I knew one of them.

Anderson. Vincent Anderson.

He was the one who regularly supplied guns to me. When Blaze took his name I knew where this library would be. I knew exactly who would tell me about the whereabouts of Vincent.

So I told Blaze me and Danica will take care of it.

But of course. Him being him. Having the masculine urge to protect me, which after 100 times of me telling him I don't need it also, didn't listen and joined us.

We had a huge argument as to how I can look after myself and don't need his dumbass spy eyes. I'll do fine. He never listened of course.

So right now, we were in his car, driving to the library.

I was pissed at him. Danica was enjoying the free entertainment and he was pretending like nothing is wrong.


About 15 minutes later we reached the library. We got out as Blaze parked his car and locked it.

We walked towards the library and I pushed the door open.

We walked inside as the smell of books hit my nostrils.

Ah, home.

Never mind.

I scanned through the big room for the one I was looking for. I found him sitting on a table with a book in his hand.

Let's get this started.

I turned towards Blaze and said.

"If you even think of interrupting me or try to insert yourself without me asking. I will take your balls out and burst them. Like fire crackers." I threatened him.

He kept a straight face.

I sighed and signaled Danica. She nodded.

I walked towards the table where my prey was sitting at.

I walked a little closer.

"Hi Ben." I waved towards him.

Ben looked up to me with his nerdy glasses and looked a little nervous.

"H-hi." He stuttered.

"How have you been?" I pulled a chair out and sat down.

"Good." He fixed his glasses and focused on the book.

Ben was the 17 year old typical nerd boy who in real life wanted to get laid by a hot chick. That was the ultimate goal of his life.

Ben was around 14 when I first met him. He was very close to Vincent. He was always around whenever Vincent handed me over guns and daggers.

His Path Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now