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You were sitting alone in the cafeteria, scrolling through Instagram and eating your lunch, while students conversed and ate at a nearby table with their peers.

You tried to pass the time by reading your peer's stories because you were still full and didn't want to eat any more. On your phone, you received a notification that said, "Nicole has started following you."

-You furrowed your brows, perplexed as to why she did that; you and Nicole weren't particularly close when she dated Suna and you dated Atsumu. When the whole group got together, that's when you'd see her.

When you two happened to make eye contact, she would give you an uncomfortable smile before dropping it and giving you a nasty look. You pretended not to care, but she somehow made your blood boil.

-You swiped up the notification, dismissing it, and then several more appeared, each saying she liked your photos. As you pressed the heart button, you noticed she only liked photos in which Suna was present.

-You went to her profile and saw a photo of her and Suna laughing with their tongues out. Because of the clothes he was wearing, you guessed they took the photo today.

"Nxicoleee commented, "omg that's the bracelet I gave him🙄," said another notification.

-You squinted your eyes, cringing at how hard she was trying. You decided to ignore her and stood up. You're holding your phone in one hand and red tray, who had your leftovers, in the other. You walked past the students who were eating before you came to the trash can. You open the bin with your foot in the bin paddle.

-"Hey Y/N," a voice says, and you turn to see Kita standing by your side, holding an empty tray. You toss the leftovers into the bin while still stepping on the paddle to keep the bin free.

-"hey Kita" you respond with a smile then you lift your foot off the paddle allowing it to close. "how're you?" you asked as you both walked to where the trays are placed.

-"I'm doing well, thank you," he says as he places his tray on top of yours. You smiled at him and said, "I'm fine." "Alright, I already know your response, but I'm being forced to tell you this," he said nervously, scratching the back of his head.

-You tuck your phone into your back pocket and turn your head to the side, waiting for him to say something. "Keep going," you encouraged him.

"Osamu told me you and Atsumu had another little thing, and we couldn't figure out why Suna behaved the way he did after the game until now.

Atsumu has requested to see you in order to express his sincere regret."

-"Listen Y/N, I know what he did was messed up but at least hear his apologies," he suggested as you rolled your eyes at the prospect of Atsumu apologizing. You shook your head and walked away from Kita, saying, "no, I'm fine, I don't need his apology."

-Atsumu was only acting this way because he despises seeing you with Rin, and you already knew that; he has no remorse. You've heard so many apologies from him, but he never changes, otherwise he'd blame it or turn the situation back on you. "If you behave this way or say this, you'll leave me like the rest," he says.

-Your phone buzzed in your back pocket, and you groaned as you yanked it out as you pushed open the door to exit the cafeteria. The notification said "Nxicoleee wants to send you a message".

-You wondered why she wouldn't just leave you alone as you clicked on it to see what she had to say. You just saw a video and unintentionally clicked on it. You were glad your volume was turned down at the time because it was a video of Suna fucking her.

You don't want people in the hallway to think you're watching porn or to give you strange looks.

-You scrunched up your face in horror and disgust, traumatized by what you had just seen. You guessed it was an old video because Suna's nose wasn't pierced at the time.

You quickly exited the video, and a message from her appeared on your screen, saying, "whoops sorry wrong person xxx." You put her on read right away because you didn't want to answer.

-The pad of your middle finger clicked on the off button, the video still could be get out of your head. Even though you could clearly see it was out of attention you still got jealous. Anyways its not like you're dating him right ?

 Anyways its not like you're dating him right ?

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