Chapter 1: A New Life

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4 Years after the events of "The Next Generation: Rising Warriors!"

4 whole years have gone by since you made peace with Korizen and defeated The Anomaly's offspring. You haven't seen either Korizen or The Anomaly since then, and thus life in the second reality was more peaceful than ever.

It was a bright, and sunny day outside. You and all of your friends were all grown up now, and your children have also been growing.

Speaking of children, S/N and Chloe were both playing outside as Asia watched them the make sure they didn't get hurt.

Now some people would ask, Do your kids only have 1 mother? or are all of your wives their mothers? It was a little difficult to figure out but you all concluded that the Biological mothers would be the only mothers, and the rest of the wives would be called aunts.

Take S/N for example. He calls Yang "Mom" and calls the rest of your wives "Aunt". The same applies to Chloe. She calls Blake "Mama" and the rest "Aunt".

However S/N and Chloe weren't the only children anymore. Now there was a third. Crystal. Your newest and youngest of the batch by far.

Asia was holding Crystal in her arms as S/N and Chloe played happily in the large front yard. The two children were playing a simple game of tag.

S/N: Tag! You're it!

Chloe: Ah!!

Both of them were quite fast for their age. But granted, they are the children of The Celestial King. Technically making them Prince S/N and Princess Chloe.

Asia: My, those two are quite energetic!

After about 20 more minutes of Tag, Chloe came walking to Asia while trying to catch her breath to ask a question.

Chloe: Aunt Asia, Where's Papa?

Asia: Papa's at Work, sweetie.

S/N: When's he gonna come back...?

Asia: I wish I could answer that for you, children. But I can't. Your Father has a very special job.

Like Asia stated, you were off at work. If you remember, your Job as The Celestial King was to leap from world to world to check for what you would call "Cross-World Conflicts".

And today was a very busy day for you since there was a lot more than usual. Nothing serious, there was just a lot more battles happening than on a regular day.

Meanwhile: Some Random Dock

This was your fifth stop today on the job. Usually you have to deal with only one or two.

Luckily for you these two were easy to apprehend. And you knew them. Rock Lee of Konoha and Sanji of the strawhat Pirates. As to why they would be fighting you don't know.

Both of them were soaring through the skies as you watched them for awhile. Lee was opening his gates and Sanji was using a suit you had never seen until now.

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The Next Generation: Final Road! (BNHA x RWBY x DxD x LWA x Male Saiyan Reader) Where stories live. Discover now