Important Accouncment (Please Read if you can.)

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Hi, everybody. This is Lavender, and today I'm doing something I never thought I'd have to do. Most of you have noticed by now that Updates have been slowing down drastically. My Job has been stressing me out, and other more personal things in my life have been jabbing at me as well.

This book was always fun to write, and reading all of your amazing and hilarious comments was the best part of it all.

However, not everything can last forever. Things change, and they're gonna keep changing. It hurts me to say this but..."The Next Generation: Final Road!" is officially being discontinued.

The whole fanfic background has been drifting away from me as a whole for quite some time now, and I can't find the motivation in me to keep going. I hope you all understand.

BUT. I put my heart and soul into this project for years, and refuse to end it on a sour note like this. I'll be publishing a brief summary of how the rest of the book would've gone, as well as a 2 part epilogue to truly give you all something to end this amazing journey off on. Expect these later this week.

Thank You all. Have yourselves a good day.

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The Next Generation: Final Road! (BNHA x RWBY x DxD x LWA x Male Saiyan Reader) Where stories live. Discover now