Chapter 13: Day Zero

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First Reality: The Omni Kings' Palace

Both of the Omni Kings were currently sitting in complete and utter boredom as their guards stood completely still.

Zeno: Hmm...

Future Zeno: Hmm...

The Grand Priest then warped into the room. Catching the attention of everybody as the two Zeno's both perked up upon seeing his arrival.

Zeno: Grand Minister!

Future Zeno: Do you have something to tell us?

Grand Priest: Yes, Your Majesties. It would seem that you have a few visitors from the Second Reality.

Zeno: Really?!

Future Zeno: Let them in! Hurry!

With that the gates leading to a long hallway opened. On the other side, none other than Kalasha was on the other side, but like The Grand Priest stated, he wasn't alone.

Accompanying the Grand Minister of the Second Reality was the one and only Lord Korizen of the second reality. Otherwise known as the most powerful being in all of creation.

Kalasha was a bit anxious being around him for so long, but something about Korizen had changed after he had battled with you.

Zeno: I see that you're finally here! Now we can talk!

Korizen: Omni Kings of the first reality, I would like to know why you have requested our presence.

Future Zeno: That's because we're bored! Nothing exciting has happened in the past 7 years here in the first reality. We were wondering if you had any ideas!

Korizen: Forgive me, but I am just as lost as you are as to how to provide you with entertainment.

Zeno: The last time we were able to truly have fun was during The Tournament of Power!

Grand Priest: Hm...maybe that's what we should do...

Future Zeno: Hm?

Grand Priest: During the Tournament of Power, I promised that there would indeed be another Tournament.


Grand Priest: Next Time I shall prepare a more capable God-Pad for your enjoyment.

Flashback End

Zeno: Oh Yeah! You did mention a next time!

Future Zeno: Does that mean what I think it means?!

Grand Priest: Indeed it does. A Bigger, much more vast tournament shall be underway if you so desire, your Majesties.

Zeno: Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Future Zeno: The Tournament of Power 2!

Zeno: Wait...but we've already seen what the other universes can do...

Kalasha: Precisely. Therefore, This Tournament shall not be limited to your 12 universes, but both realities, and the newly unlocked Celestial Realm.

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