Chapter 6: Granolah's Closure

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It was now the next day and you were just getting up and starting your day. Greeting the brightness of the morning with a few good stretches before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Yang and your other wives had given you an entire breakfast feast of all sorts of foods. Nothing new from any other day.

S/N and Chloe were still fast asleep. Usually they would have to get up, but it was the weekend. So of course they didn't have school. Therefore you decided to simply let them sleep in a little bit. After all, you of all people understand the luxury that is sleeping in.

But while S/N and Chloe were sleeping, Crystal was wide awake, and you wanted to spend some time with her since S/N and Chloe usually have you occupied when Crystal or Work doesn't.

Come to think of it, you rarely get any free time to yourself anymore, but you enjoyed spending time with the kids. They always find a way to light up your world.

Crystal wasn't as quick of a learner of words as S/N was. She was 2 years old and still had trouble forming words, but you had to cut her some slack.

The Processing of aging for a Celestial is a little complicated. Celestials upon being born grow much quicker than most other lifeforms. This includes their brains. S/N was more Celestial than Human so he grew much faster. The same thing happened to you when you were a baby.

However Chloe and Crystal developed more of their mothers' genes than yours, so they grow like normal children.

But it's important to note that while they don't have as much of it as S/N, Chloe and Crystal are still Celestial Saiyans with Celestial Ki nonetheless. Meaning they both also have that same Limitless Potential to grow not only in general, but in terms of power.

However when a Celestial being reaches a certain age between 25 to 30, their body will slowly stop physically aging, sustaining eternal youth with a side of Immortality. At least in terms of age.

As you carried Crystal in your arms, she giggled playfully as she watched you constantly stuff your face with the food that Yang had cooked up for you. She thought it looked funny how your cheeks puffed up.

Yang: Enjoying your meal, hun?

Y/N: *Gulp*...You know it!


After spending the night in Kirishima's room, Axol was still a little nervous after you placed Granolah in his room.

At least he got a good sleep though. When Axol asked Kirishima if he could crash in his room for the night, Kirishima not only let him stay, but let him sleep in the bed as well, Kirishima himself slept on the floor last night which made Axol feel a little guilty.

He was just getting to the door of his room. Gently putting his trembling hand upon the doorknob. Slowly twisting the knob and pushing the door open.

He perked inside and nearly screamed to see that Granolah was not only out of his energy dome, but also awake and sitting on the side of Axol's bed, not knowing where he was.

Axol tried to leave without being noticed but by the time he had thought of this idea, Granolah had already noticed him.

Scared, Axol only clenched his eyes shut as he waited for the Cerealian to attack him. But was surprised when he heard him speak.

Granolah: Who are you...?

Axol: I-I...

Granolah: You don't have to be so shaky. I'm not going to hurt you.

Axol: R-Really...?

Granolah: No. I don't have any reason to.

The Cerealian then looked around at the interior of Axol's room. It was mostly just manga posters and few figurines here and there. His eyes glided past Inkweaver which gave Axol a reason to feel relieved.

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