Chapter 31: The Mysterious Cosmic Saiyan

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You were currently falling in a bright colourful sky. In front of you was the Saiyan Woman you and the others had encountered a few minutes prior.

You eventually landed and found yourself standing in the middle of the Zeno Exposition Arena, with your opponent standing directly in front of you.

Y/N: So we are fighting.

???: It would seem so.

Akko: Look, there's Y/N!

Surrounding you were all of the Kai's, Gods of Destruction, and Angels throughout the 12 universes. And the new God of Destruction of Universe 7 was standing with Midoriya and the others.

???: Well Well. I didn't expect to see the four of you here as well.

The four of them all turned around, facing their God of Destruction and gasped at the sight. You weren't even focused on that situation.

Issei: No way!!

Ruby: YOU'RE the new God of Destruction?!?

Ruby: YOU'RE the new God of Destruction?!?

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Everyone: Vegeta!!!

Whis: Ohohoho! Yes Yes, while you were all busy these past four years, Vegeta has become our new God of Destruction.

Ruby: But Y/N told us that somebody else was the New God of Destruction!

Kaoishin: Well...that was a bit of a cover story. Vegeta wished to keep it a surprise until the next time he and Y/N were to meet.

Midoriya: I can't believe it!

All of a sudden they were all interrupted by the loud bangs of a gong. Everybody directing their attention to The Grand Priest who was hovering above everyone else. Next to him were the Omni Kings themselves.

Grand Priest: Kais, Gods, Angels, and Mortals alike. Thank you for coming to spectate our lovely Zeno Exposition for the upcoming Tournament of Creation! Here with us are Y/N L/N and Shin-Kosumi.

Y/N: I'm happy to be here!

Kosumi: It's an honour.

Grand Priest: The two of you have been summoned by The Grand Zeno himself to engage in a battle to entertain his majesty. The rules of this battle are simple. Defeat your opponent via knockout or Forfeit. Killing is of course prohibited, and for the sake of things staying in one piece, any form of transformation will also be strictly prohibited. Violation of these rules will result in immediate disqualification.

Y/N: So we're limited to only our base forms. That seems fair.

Kosumi: Yes. Even in your regular state, I sense a grand amount of Power within you.

Y/N: So I wasn't the only've got a lot of it yourself.

The sounds of the gong could be heard once more as you and Kosumi got into your fighting stances. Everybody silencing as you stared deep into the eyes of your opponent, who returned the gesture.

The Next Generation: Final Road! (BNHA x RWBY x DxD x LWA x Male Saiyan Reader) Where stories live. Discover now