Chapter 25: Invincible

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About a Month has passed since the entire Hydra Chambers Incident, and things have been going smoother than ever since then.

Your class of pupils was growing stronger by the day, and you've spotted some major improvements since your first training day.

After a long class of more hard training, you had once again wrapped up the session and sent your students off to the infirmary to see Asia.

Y/N: Alright, good work today, class! I'll see you on Monday! Rest well during the weekend, you're gonna need it!

Class: Yes, Boss...

???: Heh. They don't sound nearly as thrilled as they were on the first day!

You then looked behind you to see Midoriya who had also just finished his classes, approaching you. However he seemed to be in a much more energetic mood than you.

Midoriya: So, You've been teaching the same class for a month straight. How do you like it?

Y/N: To be Honest...It's pretty hard. A lot of my students have varying abilities to the point where some of them are Polar Opposites of each other.

Midoriya: I understand. I was just coming to remind you that our vacation trip is this weekend.

Y/N: Oh right! I had completely forgotten about that! Who's all going?

Midoriya: Well...We'd be here for awhile if I listed everybody one by one. But all of our friends and family are coming along!

Y/N: And have you all decided where we'll be going...?

Midoriya: Actually, Yes! We'll be going to a special place from my own world! It's called I-Island, and I think our friends would really enjoy it there!

Y/N: I see. That sounds like fun! I don't think I've ever actually been to your world before despite how long we've known each other!

Midoriya: Mhm! Principle Nezu recently contacted me and asked if we would be open to going to an exclusive event! The Cross-World Expo!

Midoriya was starting to show some excitement as he talked more and more about the whole plan. You figured that it was because he hasn't been to his home world in years.

???: Mr. Midoriya!

The both of you then looked to see someone flying towards you in the sky. They quickly touched down and approached Midoriya in a huff.

Midoriya: Oh! Hi there, Mark! Did you forget something?

You were now looking at a teenage boy. Judging from his looks, you could assume that he was around 17-19 years old. His outfit looked similar to that of a Hero from Midoriya's world, but his energy said otherwise.

Mark Grayson (Invincible)

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Mark Grayson (Invincible)

Mark: Um...Yeah. I need my phone back. I saw you pick it up after I dropped it during training...

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