Epilogue: Part 2 (Farewell, Y/N)

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1000 Years after the Events of The Next Generation

Entire centuries have passed by, and so much has changed. Every one of the HOH students who helped save the world so many times have all long passed on to the Afterlife.

All except 4 students. Lotus, Kasai, Mina, and You. You might be wondering how Mina is still around after all this time, but that will be answered due time.

You were currently sitting on a rock on a large asteroid that was soaring through space. No sound, no company, just the empty void that was outer space.

Y/N: How long has it been...? Surely it couldn't have been that long...

???: It's been 1026 years to be exact.

Your eyes widened at the sudden sound of another voice. It had been a few weeks since the last time you had heard one.

You looked to your right to be greeted by your life long friend, Lotus, and he wasn't alone. Next to him was Kasai. It had been nearly a decade since the last time you saw them together.

Y/N: Lotus...Kasai...it's good to see you both again.

Lotus: It's good to see you too, Y/N. I've sensed your suppressed emotions for weeks now, but today, it spiked. I had to check on you, and Kasai insisted that he came along.

Y/N: Hm...I appreciate it...in fact, your timing couldn't be better.

Kasai: What do you mean...?

Lotus: Y/N, I've sensed your emotions and desires for years, are you really sure you want to do this...?

Y/N: Positive. There's nothing left for me here. There hasn't been a single distortion in reality for nearly 20 years...I think we really did it, guys...planets and civilizations may have conflicts between themselves...but never again shall we see a threat so big to where they could end all of creation...my job here is done.

Kasai: Y/N...

Y/N: Don't try to change my mind, that's not what I need right now—

Kasai: We'll miss you...

Your facial expression went from serious to surprised in an instant. Looking at your two Saiyan friends, you could see the sad expressions on their faces, but you couldn't help but feel as if they were happy for you.

Lotus: We get it...with me being the GateKeeper, I have access to ALL realms. That includes the Afterlife. Whereas Kasai is connected to The Dragons. He also has permission to enter the Afterlife...but since they permanently closed off the softer boundaries of Heaven and Hell, you haven't been able to visit our friends in Otherworld...

Kasai: If you really wish to be with them again, we can promise you that we'll keep every reality safe.

Y/N: Hehe...I know...but even if you two were to leave...this Reality and all others would still be in good hands. Between all of our families, I don't think there's any threat of this era that could stop them. I remember the many adventures we used to have as kids...I'm gonna miss you guys too...but who knows. You guys might join us someday.

Lotus: So I take it you're gonna head out?

Y/N: Of course...but first, there's something I need to do...Lotus...Kasai...farewell. May you both live happily, and Thank You. The memories we've made together will always stick with me for all of eternity! You'll always be two of my greatest friends!

With that you got up from your rock and blasted off into the distance. Lotus and Kasai felt sad, but were proud of their friend finally going for the Peace that he has yearned for for so many years.

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