Chapter 19: Locked Away

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You were just starting to wake up. It was Dark, and fairly cold. You felt like complete and total crap, and struggled to pick yourself up.

Y/N: Ughhhh...What the hell happened...?

You could barely even see, there were a few lights, but that was about it. Even with those lights, you could just barely get around.

You seemed to be standing in the walls of a big hallway. It was quiet, the only thing you could hear was the faint sounds of the gears shifting within the walls themselves.

 It was quiet, the only thing you could hear was the faint sounds of the gears shifting within the walls themselves

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Y/N: long was I out for...?

You were quick to notice the lack of windows, so you couldn't tell what time of day it was. Not that you would be able to tell anyway.

Y/N: Wait a second...I remember now! I was fighting against that Kasai clone, and tossed me into one of The Hydra Chambers!

You then got yourself ready to simply blast your way through, your palms ready to fire with your aura bursting out from your body.

Y/N: HA!

Launching several Ki attacks towards the wall, you watched as the blasts exploded on contact. You started to fly, but you noticed that it felt a lot more difficult to move around in the air.

However once the smoke cleared, you were shocked to see that there wasn't even a dent in the metal walls.

Y/N: What...?! How is that possible?! Are these Chambers that durable...?!

You tired again, but it wouldn't budge. After a bit of thinking, you looked at your hands, and thought of how difficult it was to fly. After a few minutes, you realized that it wasn't the durability of the Chambers, it was that your power had gone down by a huge amount.

Y/N: My Power's in a pathetic state...but how...? I didn't use up that much energy during the fight!

You were then interrupted by the sounds of growling and groaning. You went slightly wide eyed and looked over your shoulder to see a big hulking creature twice your size.

It didn't have many physical features, only a beefy muscular body and massive hands that looked like they were ready to tear you apart. The only noticeable thing about it would be it's big devilish smile.

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