Chapter 24: Y/N The Master

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It was now the next day. After bringing Skylar home and reuniting her with Jaime and her other friends, you agreed that you would introduce Skylar to some of the newer faces around.

This counted the Witches, Mori, Maquist, and anybody else who you met in the Second Reality. However, some changes had obviously been made during your time in The Hydra Chambers.

You were currently walking to the Main Training Grounds of the University with Skylar and Lotus who was filling you in on what's changed.

Lotus: While you were gone, we had some complaints about the Dorm Rooms, so Kasai, Maquist, and I all decided to give them a bit of an upgrade. It wasn't as difficult as I expected.

Y/N: So what's our Status at School...? Has that changed at all?

Lotus: Nope. In fact, we actually have the Training Groups prepared for each Trainer. Like you stated, you will still be training those who want to simply hone their skills and get Stronger overall.

Y/N: I see...

Skylar: So you really went and became a Master...Honestly, you've come so far! Both of you!

Y/N: Heh, It's nothing, really.

Skylar: What are you talking about?! Everyone that has trained under you has become Legendary! Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, they're all so much stronger than the last time I met them!

Y/N: Well...I guess they have come a long way...Ruby who's considered the weakest of the four of us could clear several Solar Systems' worth of Grimm. Issei started off Stronger than Midoriya, but eventually thanks to me, Midoriya went LEAPS beyond Issei's league. Nowadays though, Issei's been training pretty hard, if the two of them fought now, I would be hard to say who would come out on top...

(Feel Free to Skip this next bit if you have a low attention span. It doesn't really tie to the storyline, it's just for those who are curious.)

(Quick Powerscale Guide)
(Akko: Solar System Level)
(Ruby: High Solar System Level)
(Issei: Universal - High Universal)
(Midoriya: Multi-Universal)
(Y/N [With Cosmology Scaling] Hyperversal)

(This Photo represents the Cosmology of "The Next Generation's Continuity".)

(The First Reality is an infinitely expanding space containing any official verse you could think of

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(The First Reality is an infinitely expanding space containing any official verse you could think of. Anime, Games, Comics, etc. Whereas The Second Reality Consists of one space of an already Infinite Scale.)

(Your Battle with Ark was disrupting countless worlds and their respective Cosmologies, practically a High Multiversal Feat at the very LEAST.)

(Your Battle with GateKeeper Lotus and Korizen are A LOT crazier than this feat.)

(Omni Y/N and KateKeeper Lotus shook The Outerverse which despite being two technically Infinite Spaces, is larger than both Realities Combined, considered that it consists of literally EVERYTHING ELSE outside of the realities.)

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