Chapter 30: Catching Up

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(Hot Damn has it been a long while wince I've updated this one. Work tends to get in the way. I often find myself trying to savour my time on free days.)

(Anyway, before this Chapter starts, there's something I need to address. Changes are going to be made in regards to this story to make it easier for me to write more content for you. Mainly Eye Catches. I won't be doing them anymore. At least not every chapter. They'll be more of an occasional thing if I feel like making them. Plus there's only so many characters that people will recognize.

(I've also noticed over time that I'm placing too many characters from different franchises in this series, so I'll slow down on that for both the sake of it being easier for you to read, and easier for me to write. That's about it. Thanks for baring with this hiatus of mine.)

Wait...we're on...? Like...moving again...?! Holy crap okay, I thought it was over...okay okay, story time.

As a quick recap, You're on "Vacation" at I-Island of Midoriya's home world, and had just captured The Celestial Warrior who dubbed himself as "Xoya" with your brother. After containing him in a safe place with the help of Lotus, you now find yourself taking a stroll outside with the company of two mysterious humans who call themselves "Rick" and "Morty."

They needed your help with something, but your to do list was already as full as it is. Regardless, you heard them out for that they had to say. After all, your power comes with a great responsibility.

Y/N: Okay so let me get this need my help to bring down this entity who invaded your you came and tracked me down in hopes that I could help.

Rick: Listen, I'm in no mood for beating around the bush. Are you going to help us or not...?

Morty: I-I-It's totally cool if you're too busy...

Y/N: Do you have any description of this entity...? Looks? Size? Sounds? Anything...?

Rick: It all happened in the—*Burp* Blink of an eye. I'm surprised I'm still alive. Morty had to carry me all the way here...I was knocked out...Morty might've seen him.

Morty: It definitely wasn't a person...not a Human anyway...

Rick: No shit, Idiot! You think Humans can clear out entire cities with a single blast?!

Morty: I-I-I—

Y/N: Okay, both of you, calm down. Continue.

Morty: It wasn't shaped like a person...and it was Red...that's all I can really make out of it...

Y/N: That's all I need. I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for it. But as for right now, I have things to do. You're welcome to stay for the sake of your safety. There's plenty to do.

Rick: Fine, whatever...our world isn't safe anymore anyway. C'mon, Morty.

Morty: Right.

With that the duo walked off to do their own thing. Now that they were out of the way, you could focus on the bigger picture. Figuring out who Xoya was and why he was after you in the first place.

???: Yo, Y/N!

Y/N: Hm...?

You looked to see the protagonist squad, all together as they approached you with smiles on their faces. You were happy to see some bright faces for a change.

Issei: We were at the lounge area enjoying some food when we saw you fly off awhile ago. What's the matter?

Y/N: Celestial business. Long story short, there was this guy that wanted to kill me. Don't know why. We have him apprehended now though.

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