Chapter 14: Unexpected Crisis

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After being informed of the possibility of another Tournament, and by Korizen no less, a number of things were going through your head.

Y/N: Shit...This could be bad...Zeno's Erasure I can tank, but I don't think I'll be able to reach a level even remotely close to about horrible timing...

Letting out a big sigh, you threw yourself onto one of the beds to sit down to take a moment to process everything happening. The whole College deal seemed fun and exciting at first, but now you realized that you had bitten off a bit more than you could chew, and this Tournament didn't exactly help the situation.

Y/N: Fuck...

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Y/N: Who is it...?

You then heard the sound of the door opening again. However this time it wasn't S/N. It was Jaime. You hadn't seen her in a little while, but she looked like she had a look on her face that you hadn't seen since Ark.

Y/N: Oh, hey Jaime...need something?

Jaime: Sorry if this is a bad time, but we have to talk. I've got a little situation.

You then simply pointed towards the bed across from you and gestured her to sit down. She didn't waste any time in doing so.

Y/N: So what's going on?

Jaime: It's taken you this long to mention it, so I'm assuming it slipped your mind...Skylar's missing.

Y/N: What?! That's a name I haven't heard in a long time!

Jaime: Yeah. Get comfortable, this may take awhile.

You then leaned in closer, Jaime had gained your full attention as she started to fill you in on the situation.

Jaime: After the fight with Ark, Skylar and I spent about a month living together. We wanted to spend some quality time together as friends as a celebration...however after that month passed, it was time to take her home, and this is where things got weird...


Jaime had just brought Skylar back to her home town in the 12th universe. The two were probably the happiest they had been in a good while.

Jaime: Thanks for keeping me company for this past month, Skylar. After this whole Ark apocalypse, I wanted to spend some time with my pal!

Skylar: I had a lot of fun too! I can't wait until our next adventure!

Jaime noticed that her town was a bit quieter than usual, but she simply thought everyone was sleeping. It was pretty late after all.

Skylar: Well...I guess I should be heading home. My family hasn't seen me in a few months. Thanks for everything, Jaime!

Jaime: Anytime.

With that Jaime vanished into the Darkness, leaving Skylar to walk to her house on her own.

Flashback End

Jaime: That was the last time I saw her...I thought that she moved to a different place or something, but her family was still there...apparently from what they told me, she didn't even reach her house before she disappeared...

Y/N: You're Kidding...

Jaime: I wish I was. I really do. For the past 6 years I've spent most of my time looking for her, thinking that I would be able to track her down, but I've had no gut doesn't wanna believe it, but she might even be dead...

Y/N: Shit...another problem on my situation isn't the best right now. I've got to do some kind of greeting to all of the people who are coming to this place, looking for our guidance, plus I was just told about a potential tournament that will span across all of creation...the biggest Tournament in all of history. Literally.

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