Chapter 33: Stress Relief

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A couple of days had passed by since you had your little skirmish with Kosumi. All you could think of was getting the Super Dragon Balls in order to wish for the freedom of Skylar's friends who were still trapped in the Hydra Chambers.

However, Kosumi herself was clearly no slouch in terms of power, speed, skill, pretty much everything. It had been so long since you had an actual challenge that stood in your way.

You were now in a hotel room with your youngest child, Crystal. Her eyes were glued to the T.V as she watched cartoons and such as you lied next to her on the bed.

Y/N: Damn...we seriously need that wish...I promised those guys that I'd set them free...but Kosumi is gonna be a problem...and a big one at that. Who knows who else might be at that Tournament...for the first time in over four years...I'm not sure if I can win this one...and it's got my blood pumping!!

Crystal: *Confused Baby Noises*

You then noticed that Crystal was watching you ramble to yourself. As a baby, she couldn't understand you, but for her own reasons, she practically threw herself on top of you, laying on your chest and giggling playfully. This could only bring a smile to your face.

Y/N: least I have somebody cheering me on. Isn't that right, snowball?

Your baby daughter giggled and wagged her little cat tail as you rustled your fingers through her soft snow-white hair. She resumed watching her cartoons as you sensed somebody approaching the room.

Right on cue, a couple of knocks were heard from the door. You noticed immediately whereas Crystal was too focused on the T.V to care.

Y/N: Come in!

Heading your call, two people came walking in. Lotus and Midoriya. Both had different reasons for arriving, but had ran into each other on the way here.

Lotus: Y/N, relaxing as deserved, I see.

Midoriya: Hey, Y/N! Hi, Little Crystal!!

If it wasn't obvious, Midoriya was great with kids, and Crystal stuck to him like glue. While Midoriya played with her, Lotus redirected his attention to you.

Y/N: What's up, guys?

Lotus: We ran into each other on the way here, but we need to address something. I've been sensing three powerful energy signals approaching rapidly for the past few hours.

Y/N: So you felt then too?

Lotus: So you knew.

Y/N: Mhm. Just because you're linked with the Essenes of all Life doesn't mean I don't know a powerful energy when I sense one. I'm willing to bet Kasai's felt them too.

Lotus: Any idea of who they might be...?

Y/N: ...Frieza, Cell, and Moro. They're all together. Looks like they've formed a truce.

Lotus: So what do you think? Are you concerned? Also isn't Cell the Bio Android that helped us against Ark? And Moro was that Goat Demon?

Y/N: Pfft! Of those guys?? Nah. They'll be a Piece of cake. I don't even need any extra power ups. Also yes, you're thinking of the right people. When they show up, they'll wish they never came.

Lotus: You seem awfully nonchalant about this. Regardless if you're stronger, a threat is still a threat.

Y/N: Lotus, The First Reality is in a new age of Peace. Ever since Ark was defeated, there's been no real danger. That Xoya guy was pretty tough, but not enough for me.

Lotus: I suppose you're right.

Midoriya: Oh! That's right! I almost forgot! Y/N, Lotus, would you guys be interested in joining us later on tonight? We're all throwing a big party, Adults only! We've only got 2 days left before we head back home, so we want to make this vacation time last!

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