A Brief Summary (How The Book would've gone.)

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Hi, it's Lavender once more. Like I promised, I'll give you all a quick rundown of how I had planned to proceed with this story. I'm not gonna stall or anything, we're just gonna jump right into it.

The Xoya Saga

You've already seen most of what the Xoya saga has to offer, but I planned for a big fight towards the end of it.

After the Party that the adults had hosted, Xoya wakes up and breaks free from containment. Destroying everything in his path looking for Y/N.

Forced to show himself, Y/N and Xoya engaged in a battle, and during this battle, it's revealed that Xoya hates him so much because a previous incarnation of The Celestial King did some very bad things in the past. Not all incarnations had good intentions, and some were even pure evil.

Y/N Dominates the fight at first, but is quickly overwhelmed by Xoya's remarkable adaptability, and it is made clear that he can't handle Xoya alone.

This is where Lotus and Kasai step in. Fighting against Xoya by Y/N's side, and together, they managed to bring the vengeful Celestial down.

However, Vengeance had ultimately poisoned Xoya's mind, driving him to the point of insanity, and in one last struggle, Y/N has no choice but to kill Xoya, thus, Xoya the Celestial would meet his end.

The Tournament of Creation Saga

As foreshadowed and spoken of in The Xoya Saga, a second Tournament of Power is hosted by both of the Zenos as well as Korizen.

With a Team already assembled, Y/N and his friends are prepared for battle, and set out for the fight of their lives.

When they arrive at this Tournament, they meet both old and new faces. Even meeting with their past selves once again, as well as the Xeno-Counterparts of Y/N, Yang, and Kirishima.

The Tournament begins and everybody struggles. Diana is the first to be taken out, and others follow suit. Eventually Y/N stumbles across Kosumi once again, and they finally have their fated battle.

For the first time in years, Y/N enters a battle not knowing if he can win. He and Kosumi are completely evenly matched.

As the Tournament continues, so does their fight, Kirishima would battle against his Xeno-counterpart, and would ultimately lose, dying as a result.

Y/N is crushed by the Death of his best friend and brother, and thus pushes himself to the point where he finally achieves The Power of the Genkai Deity at 100% capacity. Kosumi goes through her own special evolution in the process and they keep fighting.

Shattering Multiverses, Timelines, Alternate Dimensions, and everything in between with each blow, their battle is decided in one last fist clash. The Clash is enough to make all of Creation nearly fall apart, and both are seen being erased from each other's attacks.

However, by a hair, Y/N resists and prevents himself from being Erased, whereas Kosumi could not pull off the same feat. Declaring Y/N the winner of The Tournament of Creation.

After a well earned victory, Y/N would go on to wish for the freedom of Skylar's Friends in the Hydra Chambers with The Super Dragon Balls.

Everyone is brought back, and everyone returns home. Safe and sound.

The Dark Age Saga

This Saga was planned to be the Series Finale, and I had even discussed it with some close friends.

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