Chapter 15: The Rescue Plan

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After being told about the situation about Skylar by Jaime, You, Her, and Asia were all searching the premises for Lotus. From what you've seen, Jaime seemed more at ease knowing that people were now helping her with this urgent task.

Currently, the entire area was Jam-packed with all sorts of new faces. Most of their energies were fairly weak in comparison, but a handful of them actually seemed promising.

Asia: So where do you think Lotus is...?

Y/N: Last time I saw him, he was giving a tour to Simon's whole gaggle. However I noticed that they checked into their rooms a little while ago.

Jaime: What if Lotus isn't able to sense her...?

Y/N: I'm not sure...but I'm confident that he will. Even I can only currently sense beings in this respective dimension, but Lotus senses an infinite amount of life forms on the regular and can cherry pick anyone's energy that he wants.

Jaime: I hope you're right...

As you kept looking for him, you started to hear murmurs from the strangers all around you. What they said varied from person to person.

???: He's right there! That's Y/N!

???: I never thought that I'd be able to see him in person...!

???: I was expecting more honestly...

???: You know he's kind of a cutie~

That last comment had you concerned.

Y/N: Every time...

Jaime: Any sign of him?

Y/N: I'm starting to sense his energy. This way.

With that you lead the way like you always have been. Jaime and Asia followed as Lotus' energy signature was getting stronger, meaning he was close.

Y/N: I sense him nearby. Yo, Lotus! You there?! We've got a situation!

Asia: Please tell me you're there, Lotus! We really need your help!

???: Y/N? Asia? Is that you?

Surely enough, Lotus came walking around a corner shortly after you called out to him. He seemed a little exhausted.

Y/N: Hey, Buddy. I'm glad that we found you...

Lotus: Is there a problem...?

Y/N: A Big one. Jaime just told me that Skylar's been missing since the battle with Ark. I can't sense her, but if anyone can track her life energy, it would be you.

Lotus: Wait, Skylar?! That's a name I haven't heard in a long time! So she's been missing since Ark...?! That's a long time! Why didn't you tell us sooner, Jaime...?!

Jaime: Skylar's like family to me. I felt like this was a personal problem, and since you were all dealing with that Korizen guy at the time, I didn't want to put another problem on your pile...

Y/N: Don't be silly. We've all come this far, and we're all family! We're always happy to help, Jaime.

Jaime: Thanks, guys...

Lotus: Okay, I'll try to track her down, just give me a moment...hmm...HA!

Lotus suddenly flashed into his GateKeeper state violently as the entire area shook upon his transformation.

After that one rowdy moment, Lotus started radiating a calm yet intense aura. Keeping his eyes closed, he searched through the very corners of time and space to see if he could find Skylar's energy.

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