Chapter 17: The Omniscient Master

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Kaminari: *Yawn*...I'm so tired...

Asia: Me too...Can we go to bed now, please...?

As of this very second, Kaminari and Asia were on the verge of falling asleep. You and Jaime were still on high alert as the two of you spoke to each other telepathically.

Y/N: So you've noticed too...

Jaime: Yeah...Kaia's being a bit too friendly...something isn't right...

Y/N: Glad I'm not the only one...

Jaime: Kaia is really bent about the whole situation with Skylar, but she's acting so nonchalant. I would say we should investigate, but that may lead to things getting even worse...

Y/N: Then what do you suggest we do...?

Jaime: I'm not sure. I brought us here thinking that she would give us answers, but she only brought up more you have any kind of backup plan...?

Y/N: ...There is somebody that could help...

Jaime: Who would that be...?

Y/N: He resides in my home Universe, the 7th. He's known as Master Zuno. I've never met him myself, but according to Bulma, he's all knowing. He was able to give her information about the Super Dragon Balls no sweat...he may be our last hope of trying to figure this out...

Jaime: Alright. When Kaia settles down, we'll head out to see him.

Y/N: About that...

You then peered over to Kaminari and Asia who were now both fast asleep. Jaime was quick to notice this as the two of you gave each other an unsure look.

Y/N: Those two are out for the night, and there's no way I'm leaving them here alone with Kaia.

Jaime: Then you go. I'll stay back and protect them incase anything happens. Besides, you probably have a good idea as to where it is.

The two of you nodded at each other with serious looks on your faces right before Kaia came prancing in.

Kaia: Are you all doing well?

Y/N: Yup, we're good. I hope you don't mind if we crash here for the night.

Kaia: Oh it's no problem at all! Get comfortable!

Y/N: ...Okay, but first, I'm gonna head outside for some fresh air...

You then gave Jaime one last look as she knew you weren't coming back for a good while. Her weapons were loaded and her fists were ready to punch at any moment.

With that you walked out from the front door and once you were far enough to avoid being noticed, you warped away in the blink of an eye.

Time Skip

After a few minutes of searching the universe, you stumbled across a humble little planet that looked more like a toy than a cosmic structure. You briefly remembered Bulma describing the planet's appearance, and this seemed to match it all.

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