Chapter 18: Imfamous Blood Brigade

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Y/N: And that's the whole story...

You had just finished explaining Skylar's situation to Jaime and the others who were still having a moment to take it all in. You had also arrived back in the Celestial Realm, taking ground on a far off planet.

Jaime: So let me get this straight, Skylar got Kidnapped and taken by this "Blood Brigade" and now we've gotta go take her out of these "Hydra Chambers"...?!

Y/N: That just about sums it up...the only problem is that I have no idea where those Hydra Chambers are, they could literally be ANYWHERE in this infinite layered space...

Kaminari: We'd be lucky to find it during our life times! We should head back to HOH and try to figure something out...

Y/N: Well, not often that Kaminari has a good idea...he's right. We should go back for now, we'll ask Lotus and the others if they can help us in any way.

Asia: Alright, let's go!

Jaime was hesitant, but complied. The four of you all started to head back to HOH. It was easy to find since the whole planet itself had it's own unique energy reading that only members of HOH can sense.

Y/N: We can get there faster using Instant Transmission. Let's go...

You were about to take them all home when you noticed that something was off, it quickly grabbed your attention as you put the fingers down.

Y/N: On Second Thought, I think you should take them, Jaime. Take Asia and Kaminari home and stay there. I'll catch up.

Jaime: What?! What for?!

Y/N: Something's heading this direction at a fast rate and I don't know what it is, it could be trouble.

Kaminari: No way! We're staying to help!

Y/N: Are you crazy?! If it's a God Level entity then none of you will stand a chance!

Asia: That's no excuse! Every time there's danger, we only watch as you do the dirty work! We're HOH Guardians too! We won't leave you behind!

Jaime: I agree. Whatever it might be, we'll take it down, as a team.

You took a moment to think about it. Asia's magic could heal anybody in an instant, no matter how damaged, Kaminari's Electric Quirk had evolved to Galaxy levels of power, and while Jaime's physical strength might not be the strongest, her skills and arsenal definitely made up for it.

Y/N: ...Fine, we'll fight together, but if things start getting out of hand, I'll take them down myself.

With that you all got ready for a fight as what looked like a red spark of light could be seen far off in the distance.

It was obvious that they were far away, but still approaching at unreal speeds. It wasn't too long before they entered the atmosphere and crashed down onto the surface of the planet.

The impact of the collision caused a massive explosion as the entity slowly emerged from the ashes. They were almost twice your size, had crimson red hair that spilled over their back along with two black horns. Most of their body consisted of this colour scheme.

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