Chapter 20: Long Awaited Reunion

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You couldn't believe what you were seeing. After years of being apart, you had finally been reunited with Skylar.

The two of you looked at each other for a moment, not recognizing each other. However it quickly hit you that it was her. You could never forget her sky blue hair and matching eyes to go with it.

Y/N: S-Skylar...?! Is that you...?!

Skylar: How do you know my name...? Have we met before...?

Y/N: It's me, Y/N! It's been years!

Skylar: Y/N...? Like Y/N L/N?! The Saiyan?!

Y/N: Yeah! In the flesh! It's so good to finally see you again!

Skylar was lost for words. She had been trapped here for roughly seven years, and hadn't seen any of her old friends and family since then.

It took a minute, but she suddenly embraced you out of the blue, pulling you into a tight hug as she buried her head in your chest while she tried to hold back her tears.

Skylar: I-I can't believe it's you! I have to be dreaming!!

Y/N: Nope. It's really me, Skylar. It's alright now.

Ranna: Wait, KNOW this guy?!

Mala: Now that I'm hearing it more...your name was Y/N L/N, right...? Like The Celestial King Y/N?!

Y/N: Yup, that's me.

All of a sudden all three of them bowed down on a knee which left you confused. Skylar shared the same confusion.

Everyone: You Grace us with your presence, Your Majesty.

Y/N: U-Uh...guys, You know that you don't have to be so formal, right...? I'm just Y/N! I may be the Reincarnated King, but I don't want you to give me special treatment because of that! I just want to be seen as your friend!

Ranna:'re not the Celestial King...?

Y/N: Don't get me wrong, I like my title as The Celestial King, but I'm not expecting Royal treatment. If anything, it's the last thing I want.

Shoza: So what do we call you...?

Y/N: I've heard a few people call me by a different title, and I honestly like this one more. Nowadays, people know me as "Y/N The Celestial".

Skylar: I did hear some rumours about The Celestial King go around over the that was you...?

Y/N: Yeah, but like I said, I don't want to be known that way. I may be the Reincarnation of the Celestial King, along with many others before me, but me and all of those other incarnations had unique characteristics that make up who we are. At the end day, I'm Y/N L/N, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Mala: Heh...I like the way you think, Y/N...

Ranna: Y/N and Skylar have just been reunited! This calls for a celebration!

Mala: Yeah! To Skylar and Y/N!

Time Skip

A few hours had gone by, and you were now hanging out with Skylar, Mala, Ranna, and Shoza. The people had seemed to settle down a bit since 16 came back, But now you had another problem.

Y/N: Ooooh...I'm starving...!!

Skylar: Yeah...with no food or water down here, it can be hard sometimes.


Shoza: Shh!! Some of the people are trying to sleep...!!

Y/N: Sorry Sorry...but how have you all survived this long without any food...?!

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