Chapter 23: Welcome Home, Skylar

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You were currently flying through space, on your way back to HOH Academy after escaping from The Hydra Chambers with Skylar.

You were still in your Ultra Ego state for the boost in speed, but your body was completely covered in wounds and such, and now that you weren't in a fighting spirit, you weren't exactly feeling too good.

Skylar could feel that your entire body was trembling. In your current state, you were lucky to even be flying around right now.

Y/N: God...That guy was a lot stronger than I gave him credit for...

Skylar: Are you okay, Y/N?

Y/N: I'll be fine...I've taken's just been awhile since I've had a genuine fight like that...

Skylar: I see...I have another question...what have you all been up to recently...? You said that a lot has changed, right?

Y/N: Yeah...everything's been changing really. I've been discovering things about myself that I never even imagined...we've made lots of new friends over the years...

Skylar: That sounds great! So things have been good!

Y/N: Yeah, but it wasn't always this peaceful. We've had more threats than most would appreciate, and I even met someone even mightier than me, despite how much I've grown since the last time I saw you...but that's for another time...We're almost home.

Skylar: Good, I can't wait to see everyone again!

With that you blasted off into the distance as Skylar started to grow excited. You knew that she was feeling down about leaving her friends back at The Hydra Chambers behind, you wanted to help her get her mind off of things for awhile.

Time Skip: HOH University

Lotus was currently sitting with Jaime, Midoriya, Asia, and Yang as Jaime kept asking about the Status of your whereabouts every 30 minutes or so.

Jaime: Anything yet...?!

Lotus: No...

Asia: I've never seen you this worked up before, Jaime...

Jaime: Y/N's our only hope at this point of finding Skylar! If he can't find her...I don't know what I'm gonna do...

Lotus: Wait...I sense something...It's Y/N! He's on his way as we speak! He has someone with him!

Yang: What?!

Jaime: He could've have actually found her...right...?

Asia: Well if anybody can do it, it's him!

Slowly but surely, a small speck of purple light could be seen in the sky. It left everyone confused since your Ki is usually F/C or Multicoloured by Genkai Deity.

Lotus: Is that the energy of the Destroyers...?!

Back to You

Skylar was flabbergasted by what she was seeing. The entire University including The Campus area, she had never seen this many people from this many different worlds gathered together in one place.

Y/N: Here we are, Skylar. What do you think...?

Skylar: This...Is incredible...!!

Y/N: Welcome to HOH University! Short for; Harmony of Heroes!

Skylar: How did you pull this off?!

Y/N: I can't take full credit. Kalasha built the place, Lotus was keeping everyone in check with the help of the others too!

Skylar: Huh...? Who's that?

Y/N: don't know who Kalasha's sort of a long story. He first appeared right after the battle with Ark, and now he often helps us when in need! Think of him as another Grand Priest.

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