Chapter 7: Homecoming

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After Kalasha had informed you that the Facility was ready for observation, You were now getting ready to traverse into The Celestial World once again.

The Celestial Guardian now knew that you were the reincarnated ruler of this realm, so you wouldn't have to worry about that anymore. If anything, you've gained yourself a powerful ally.

With your go-to outfit suited on, you put on your hat, grabbed your PowerPole, and prepared for adventure.

Y/N: Alright...I'm finally ready! Let's do this!

Walking down the stairs and towards the back door, Yang and your other wives sent their regards. You would have talked to the kids real quick but they were off at school.

Y/N: I'm heading out, ladies. Don't have too much fun without me!

Yang: No Promises!

With that you walked out the back door and closed it behind you. Outside were Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, and Akko all waiting for you.

You had actually called them up to form an exploration team, and also in case you needed backup. After encountering The Celestial Guardian, who knows what you might find.

Midoriya: Hey, Y/N! We got your text!

Issei: So we're going in with you this time? I'm kinda pumped if I'm completely honest!

Ruby: Same here! I wanna see what lies on the other side!

Y/N: I don't blame you. Just prepare for one of the most beautiful sights of your life.

Akko: exactly are we gonna get there? Don't we need Kalasha to help you?

Y/N: I needed Kalasha's help to unlock the gate to The Celestial Realm. But now we can access it at anytime so long as I'm around.

Midoriya: Jeez...This reminds me of when we all first stepped into The Second Reality...

Y/N: Welp, we can't keep Kalasha waiting! Here we go!

You then spread your arms out before pushing your hands out forward, releasing a shockwave that messed with the fabric of space. It wasn't long before a rift formed before your very eyes.

Y/N: Heh, Nailed it!

With that you took a deep breath and prepared for whatever lied on the other side. You knew that you weren't going to end up at the exact same spot as last time.

Thanks to some good ol' Kalasha hax, he was able to alter the location of where the rift would lead you to. It wouldn't take you straight to him, but he and the facility were at least nearby.

Y/N: You guys ready?

Issei: Let's do this!

You were of course the first one to walk into the rift. Midoriya and the others all followed right behind you. Just as you all stepped in, the rift faded away.

Time Skip: The Celestial Realm

On the other end of the rift, you stepped out and was surprised to set foot on solid ground. You walked out a little bit to give the others some space to come out.

Midoriya: Wow that was a lot easier than it usually is...

Akko: You said it. Jumping to a different realm is...definitely...a lot bumpier...!!

Akko could barely finish her sentence upon seeing what was in front of her. The others showed the exact same reaction.

Similar to the Outerverse, The sky didn't have any specific colour like the other realms. You could look up and stare straight into space.

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