Chapter 8: Finishing Touches

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After a few hours of gathering supplies such as food, clothes, potential uniforms, and lots of other stuff that students and teachers alike might need.

Thanks to a combination of Akko's Magic and Kalasha's hax, the process was a lot easier than expected. Before you knew it, everything was finished and polished up.

Y/N: Phew! That was tough, but not as tough as I thought it would be.

Kalasha: Looks like we're ready to open. Thank you all for your help. My abilities are not the safest when it comes to providing nourishment for others.

Y/N: Nah it's nothing! If it weren't for Akko we wouldn't have gotten everything here so quickly!

Akko: Me?! Deku, Issei, and Ruby did all of the hard work by hauling it back and forth!

Midoriya: No no, thanks to Y/N's riches, we managed to get all of the financial support that we needed!

Y/N: Hehe! I guess we all did a good job!

Kalasha: While we have made good progress, we still need one more thing before we can get started.

Y/N: Yeah, we know. The actual people!

Kalasha: And are you sure that the teachers at HOH can handle this task? They'll be teaching a lot more than what they're used to.

Y/N: Oh yeah! If they can put up with me as a teen for a whole year, I'm confident they can handle just about anything!

You then looked up at the sky. Everyone looking at you in confusion as you had a few deep thoughts before hitting a conclusion.

Y/N: The sky might be a problem, though...

Kalasha: What do you mean?

Y/N: Looking at the sky means you're staring straight into space, and while some of us are used to being in space, it might make others uncomfortable...

You then faced the ground with a tense look on your face. Trying to think of a way to solve this problem, but you couldn't think of anything.

Y/N: What if we got rid of the stars...that would make it look less like space...

Akko: Eek!!

Y/N: Nah, that would be even worse...what if we try to change the colour...something maybe?

Ruby: *Gasp*

Y/N: No, Green seems to strange. Unless we're on namek...what about red?

Issei: Huh?!

Y/N: Nope. Too unsettling. Maybe we should try to just make it blue, like on earth. How did it take me that long to think of that?!

Midoriya: What is going on?!

Y/N: What are you guys on about...?

You looked at the others to see them all looking up with their jaws hanging low. You slowly looked up and was surprised to see that the sky was now blue with clouds, just like on earth.

Y/N: What in the...?!

Kalasha: How curious...Seems that you've already gained control.

Y/N: "Control"?! I can control the sky...?!

Kalasha: Oh, you can control much more than the sky, Y/N. In the Celestial Realm, The Celestial King was granted full and total control over everything in their own realm. Time, Space, Order, anything that one's mind could think of, it would be possible. But I wasn't expecting you to do it so quickly...

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