Chapter 28: My name is Xoya

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You were currently flying with Son after detecting a strange energy from the east. You thought that a foe like this would be a good chance for Son to test his skills.

Son: Hey, Big Bro, I was wondering why you didn't let S/N come along...? You've been training him fairly well and this could be a good challenge for him.

Y/N: This isn't just any foe, Son. This is a Celestial. You're lucky that I'm letting you tag along with me. Son isn't ready for this type of opponent.

Son: Alright...

Y/N: Anyway, Their just up ahead, no matter what happens, stay on guard. We don't know what this person is capable of.

Son: Got it.

With that the two of you flew off into the distance and prepared for battle. After roughly a minute or so, you reached an Island. This is where this energy was residing.

Y/N: What would a Celestial be doing all the way out here

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Y/N: What would a Celestial be doing all the way out here...?

Son then also arrived on the scene as you flew ahead of him by quite a bit. Looking around and not seeing anybody.

Son: Are you sure that this is the place...? I don't sense anything...

Y/N: Remember what I said, Son. Always stay on guard.

You closed your eyes and started to search for this entity. It was clear that they were hiding their energy. But even you were having trouble identifying them.

Y/N: ...

All of a sudden the water started to swirl about when a man came flying out from the deep blue depths. Charging straight at you without warning.

Son flew back a bit to gain a safe distance as this man started his attack. Sending a barrage of punches and kicks your way to which you blocked or dodged each blow.

This foe then had you land back onto the ground to which he also landed along with you. The two of you facing each other, roughly 20 feet away from each other in a stare down.

It was here where you managed to get a better look at this guy. He was a Saiyan, just like you. And a Celestial if it's worth adding. Besides his aura, there wasn't anything unusual about this guy aside from the fact that he had several tails instead of only one.

???: I wasn't expecting you to show up, Traitor...

???: I wasn't expecting you to show up, Traitor

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The Next Generation: Final Road! (BNHA x RWBY x DxD x LWA x Male Saiyan Reader) Where stories live. Discover now