First Signs of War

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• Dwarves were not known for their stealth. They were strong and stubborn and stout, but also prideful and loud. And so it was no surprise when they were caught and the mayor's right hand, Alfrid, demanded them be punished.

• But at least, they were clever and thus Thorin promised them wealth if they gave them supplies and supported them on their journey and as was the nature of some men, the promise of gold swayed them easily.

• Only Bard spoke against him and bid them be cautious, for a dragon is not easily defeated. But he was dismissed and put into prison for his protests and because Alfrid did not like him.

• Had Estateillio seen the scene and had she been younger and the world fairer, she would have sighed and massaged her temples at the neglect of the people. But fate had run its course and she was not there, instead talking to the two elves that had tracked the attacking band of orcs through Mirkwood.

• "These are Gundabad orcs", Legolas informed them after inspecting a corpse. "What are they doing so far south? Never have they dared venture so far", Tauriel asked him, but it was Estateillio who answered:

• "War is coming. A darkness lies in Dol Guldur and the orcs are gathering again. Many packs I slayed on my way to Eryn Galen, but more, I am sure, I missed in my haste. That they targeted the dwarves shows their intent of keeping them from taking Erebor as a military stronghold."

• "Such said the orc we interrogated. The flames of war, he said, are rising", the elf prince mused. "Then we need scouts, we need to know the size of their army and their plans and as much information as we can gather", Tauriel concluded, but her friend shook his head.

• "Father has closed Eryn Galen and put a watch on its borders, but he will not make a move. He plans to wait and weather the storm as we have often done before when larger groups of orcs were on the move", he explained with a sigh.

• "That is a folly and often have I told him that. The orcs won't ignore him, because he doesn't bother them, they will simply attack your home once they have a secure position within these lands. And they will gain one if he does not strike first. And even if, it is unwise to not know the size of the enemy's army, for you then cannot properly prepare for possible assaults on your borders", Estateillio sighed and finished cleaning her swords.

• "Then we should go ourselves. Surely if your father hears of the danger from you, Legolas, he will see the error in his plans", the captain of the Greenwood elves suggested, "Will you join us?"

• "I cannot leave the dwarves, for I promised Mithrandir to aid them and I will not leave anyone on their own when facing such perils. Alone, they have little hope to win and the dragon, in his ire, might decide to turn against Esgaroth and the lives of many would be lost. But I know the Urulóki, for often I have fought them, and I won when I was younger and weaker in body and mind. I plan to put a quick end to Smaug and then purge the treasures of Erebor of his influence, so that the dragon sickness may not take hold of the Khazâd."

• "There is reason in your words. Though the road will be more dangerous without a third companion, I too, would not like to see deaths, where they could be avoided", Legolas said and together, he and Tauriel left Esgaroth and from a nearby farm they borrowed a horse and rode north.

• Estateillio then turned east and crossed the lake on another barge that transported empty barrels to the shore and at the edge of the woods near a small river she sat and waited, for she had not yet seen the dwarves on a boat or anywhere else and the best way to travel was on water, so surely they must pass there.

• She was not alone for long, though it were not the dwarves who found her. As she slowly unravelled the spells to hide her scars and height, a strong black horse stepped sure-footed out of the underbrush, its dark coat shimmered over sleek muscles and it was very tall. It was an ancient war horse from the far shores and light was in his eyes.

• And Estateillio bowed to him and called him Illúmdil, Ever-Friend, for he had accompanied her for millennia, and he too bowed and named her Falindil, Friend of the Wild, and Ráven, the Free, and they talked and shared of what had happened since they had last parted in the stables of the palace of Thranduil.

• And almost till dawn they spoke and then they hunted, for, in their minds, the dwarves would still need supplies to continue their journey and time was sparse. And they returned with some spoils, and Estateillio kindled a fire that didn't smoke and she cooked the meat and dried it and put it with the lembas she carried.

• Three hours after the sun had fully risen, the dwarves and Bilbo arrived on boats, quite merry and with weapons and supplies and Illúmdil ran next to the boats on the shore and carried Estateillio upon his bare back.

• Only when they rested in the evening did the elf ask what had happened and Balin told her.

• For the next two days they continued on, the company growing ever quieter, for they now were in the foothills of Erebor and the lonely mountain towered above them, the end of their journey finally in sight after many days of walking on unknown paths and a sense of impending doom fell upon them.

• And like many times before, the elf of the elder days travelled fearlessly towards a fight against a foe more powerful than her and the path underneath was new, yet well-known.

I don't know how often I'll be able to upload new chapters, but at the current rate I should manage at least every two days at least, depending on which day it is and how much homework I have.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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