Plans and Practice

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• The next day, the members of the fellowship sans the hobbits gathered to discuss the route they would take to Mordor.

• "As I see or, there are four for us accessible ways to cross the misty mountains. The east road, the pass of Caradhras, Khazad-Dûm and the gap of Rohan. The east road would let us traverse the mountains quickest, but I know of many orc packs that dwell there and we would still have many miles south to go in even more dangerous territory. I'd say that that rules out the first option", Estateillio explained.

• "The gap of Rohan would probably keep us west the longest and thus at least somewhat protected from the enemy for a large part of our journey. We could cross the Ered Nimrais at the mouth of Adorn and then keep to the northern side of the mountains to go further east", she continued, showing the suggested route on a map.

• "That would lead us straight to Minas Tirith", Aragorn mused. "It would not. I'd propose to go north again to cross the Anduin just over Cair Andros and then across the Ephel Duath into Mordor. There is a path that would be manageable for the hobbits that would bring us close to Mount Doom", the elleth objected.

• "But why not go to Minas Tirith? We could rest there and resupply", Boromir inquired and Estateillio retorted: "And Sauron could learn of our whereabouts through his spies and then he would send an army against your city. Perhaps if our need is dire we could rest just outside and one or two could go in, but if we can I would avoid as many settlements as possible, especially as we get closer to Mordor."

• "But that route leads us close to Isengard", Gandalf dissented. "Yes, but we would not go through the gap of Rohan, the mountains will shield us from him", the elleth assured him.

• "And what of Moria? My cousin would give us a warm welcome and we would not have to worry about that wizard", Gimli suggested. "Moria and Caradhras are our other options. If we take the mountain pass, we would enter the east just north of Lothloríen and then we could follow the Anduin south until we reach Cair Andros. We would just not have a lot of shelter, the lands there are very flat. But perhaps we could ask my aunt for some boats. Khazad-Dûm is dangerous. Dark things dwell there. But if we manage that we can go to Lothloríen and then follow the same route", she considered.

• "Which would be the quickest route?", Aragorn asked. "The shortest. Caradhras and then with boats down the Anduin", she replied. "And the safest?" "Go south first, through Eregion and Dunlad, and then east along the Ered Nimrais."

• "What should we value more: speed or safety?", Legolas asked, while the ranger contemplated. "Though we have not much time, I would say that safety is more important. Our main task is to make sure that the Ring is destroyed. Should we lose it because we were hasty... that is a mistake we can avoid making, I believe", Gandalf said.

• "And we would also have more time to get the hobbits used to travelling and to show them the basics of swordplay", Aragorn added.

• "And that is important. They need to be able to defend themselves. We can start teaching them here, but I don't know how much two weeks can do for them. But add about 40 days to that and we might be able to truly help them", Estateillio mused.

• "It is decided then. We travel south", Mithrandir said and the others nodded. "And if we are hindered?", the elf of Eryn Galen asked and the other elf in the room replied: "Caradhras." And thus their route was decided.

• "I shall fetch the hobbits so that their training can begin immediately. It would do no good to waste time now", the elleth declared, "Boromir, would you join me?"

• And so the ancient elf and the son of Gondor departed the room and for a moment walked in silence, before Estateillio said:

• "That I do not want to enter Minas Tirith, but have no quarrel to do so with Lothloríen, is not because I do not trust you, son of Gondor, nor your people. It is simply that your society, your cities, are very open. Everyone can simply stroll in which is not necessarily a bad thing, it's a good thing even. But the enemy's spies can use that, there are no wards against the eye of Sauron. But in Lothloríen there are. My kin are very reclusive and secretive which makes their cities a very safe haven for those who wish to travel unnoticed but are in need of aid."

• "But I could simply ride into Rivendell", Boromir pointed out. "And you were immediately brought before Lord Glorfindel or Lord Erestor, I believe?", she asked and the man nodded, "All visitors are presented either to those two or to me or Elrond. We can see if someone has bad intentions and somehow made it through the wards."

• Then she halted in front of a door. "These are their quarters", and said and knocked and quickly the door was opened by Sam who proceeded to ask: "How can I help you, my lady?"

• And the elleth smiled and replied: "Do you have weapons?" "Merry, Pippin and I still have our daggers from the Barrow-downs and Mr. Frodo received Mr. Bilbo's old sword, my lady", he answered.

• "Good. We'll meet on the practice field in half an hour", she instructed, "Bring your weapons, don't be late. That applies to all of you." The last part she said a bit louder, so that the other hobbits would definitely hear it and have no excuse not to come.

• And they were in time and Estateillio showed Frodo and Sam how to properly hold their weapons, which their cousins had less problems with, and Boromir showed those the correct fighting stance and until they departed from Imladris they practised daily.

Happy New Year!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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