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• Estateillio stayed with the fellowship long enough to make sure they were being treated well and were fine and then she left them, heading towards the dwelling of Galadriel and Celeborn to give her report.

• She was admitted almost immediately, the Lady of Light had probably awaited her if the second steaming cup of tea on the small table was any indication and so she sat down across from her and while slowly sipping on the hot beverage she relayed all that had happened since she had encountered the hobbits in Bree, keeping only the white fire and the exact details of her conversations secret, as well as the troubles concerning Arwen and Aragorn, for that was not hers to tell.

• "I think there's nothing you could have done with Caradhras. It was not your fault and all you can do is to be more careful in the future", Galadriel spoke, "As for your dream, Rendieli, I might be able to aid you with that." The elder elleth calmly poured them more tea and then continued: "If it is truly a vision it might be important." Estateillio shrugged and answered: "We are uncertain. It definitely didn't feel like a normal dream, but never have we had the gift of foresight."

• "That does not have to mean anything. Every mother has a vision when they give birth, with or without the gift of foresight", Galadriel objected and the younger elleth frowned and the elder extended her hand, "Will you show me your vision-dream?" It was not necessary to have physical contact for such thing, but it was custom amongst the Sindar to do so when using Ósanwë, to show others they were currently unavailable, and since Galadriel had spent centuries among them she had picked up that tradition.

• And Estateillio took the offered hand and opened her mind and showed her aunt the dream.

o A forest, fog swirling around her ankles, an overgrown path beneath her feet

o Her dagger and her hunting knife in misty hands

o Her misty body blending into her surroundings

o Following the thin path, ever vigilant

o Trees opening up, a clearing

o Sunlight on green grass, no shadows

o Staying in the forest, in the shadows, in the fog

o The sound of battle

o Turning from the light, towards the sound of fighting, dying

o Her surroundings black, grey, a mountain, black ash in the sky

o An injured Númenórean, an orc lifting his sword, killing it

o Black blood on the ground

o Mordor, a battle, slaying orcs, no armor, no swords, only the dagger and the knife

o A large figure in a dark suit of armor, swinging a large mace: Sauron

o Gil-Galad, Elendil, Isildur, fighting him

o Attacking, blades piercing flesh

o And disappearing, being ignored

o Gil falling, a split second decision

o The mace passing through her, body dissolving, Gil dying

• The two elves were breathing heavily when they emerged from the vision and they took a few seconds to gather themselves. "How often have you dreamt this?", Galadriel asked and Estateillio thought for a moment, frowning: "We are not sure. Often. It has haunted many of our nights, especially in Moria." "I do think it is a vision, though I am not sure what it wishes to tell you", the Lady of Light spoke, "Seeing as you are fighting against Sauron again, it might well be a warning about the future, but what it is about exactly, I cannot tell. Perhaps to hold your loved ones closer."

• The younger elf nodded, then frowned: "Dost thou think someone else will die? That this is the warning?" "It might be. These are uncertain times, Rendieli, no one is safe."

• "Are they ever?", she retorted bitterly and Galadriel sighed: "You worry, Rendieli, you always do, but there have been long years of peace and safety. And once Sauron is defeated, these times will return for good. Have hope."

• "Our only chance is to sneak into Mordor with four children, a loud dwarf and a man who wants to see the Ring in Minas Tirith and destroy said jewelry. There's not much hope, only carrying on out of despair and a lack of options."

• "The future may seem grim and dark, but I have seen rays of light that pierce those clouds", Galadriel told her and the younger elleth hummed in uncertainty. The elder regarded her thoughtfully while she finished her third cup of tea.

• "Would you like to look into my mirror?", she eventually offered and Estateillio's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Never have you offered this. Why now?", she questioned and her aunt answered: "Because these are uncertain times. Because whatever you have seen, whatever warning your vision held, it is important. But you and I know not what this warning is, perhaps my mirror might give you answers." And then she leaned forwards: "Perhaps you might encounter Sauron and you need to fight him hand-to-hand and knowing this will give you time to prepare. This message was directed to you, intended for you and you need to know more about it. The mirror might give you insights no one else can."

• "And what if we can't see it? We are still blind, though that is easy to forget sometimes", the younger elleth asked. "The mirror looks into the minds of those standing before it, the image you see is not in the water, but emerging from the Song itself and only grazing the world of bodies, rather lingering in the realm of souls. You should see it just fine. And if not, I will still see it and I would relay it to you."

• Estateillio frowned again, thinking, then spoke: "Hráven would take the offer, as does Halieth. Ráven is indecisive as ever, though she leans more towards the others' opinion. And I too am inclined to agree with them."

• "We would take thy offer, for any advantage it might bring us", Estamíriel declared their decision and Galadriel smiled: "Then come, Rendieli."


Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!

This is chapter 40 and we've basically just arrived in Lothlórien and I do think that we'll spent at least 2-3 more chapters here, before departing, then maybe one more on the Anduin and maybe even two at Amon Hen, which has FotR ending with chapter 45-46 (which is crazy). But as I have observed before, I drag things out without intending to, so we'll probably leave Lothlórien in Chapter 45 and FotR ends in Chapter 50 or so XD

Anyways, stay healthy


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