last Days in Lothlórien

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• On the fifth day of their stay Estateillio retrieved her vambraces from the forges and on the sixth the Lady of Light granted them boats and supplies for their journey onward and so the evening before their last day in Lothlórien the fellowship gathered to discuss the next steps.

• "The boats will carry us swiftly and make up for some time that we have lost trying to cross Caradhras. My suggestion is we travel all the way to Cair Andros and then head straight to the Ephel Dúath. There is a small path through the mountains, invisible to those who don't know it's there. It will bring us nearest to Orodruin", the elleth, who knew the lay of the lands in Ithilien and Mordor better than the others, spoke and traced the route she suggested on the map she had brought from her chambers.

• "We cannot traverse the Falls of Rauros with boats", Aragorn pointed out, but Estateillio objected: "These boats cannot sink or be destroyed by natural forces. Some of us go down and secure the boats when the others let them drive down the falls. And if they do get damaged, we could still travel through Nindalf as far south as possible and then turn east."

• "We could ask for help in Cair Andros. They would grant us supplies and a few days rest there", Boromir suggested and the elleth frowned: "In theory that plan is sound, but in practice it would bring us in great danger. The nearer we draw to Mordor the quicker we must be, lest we be found by one of the servants of Sauron. And he has many spies in the cities of men, our arrival would surely be noted. I do not think we should enter Cair Andros, but instead use it to delude Sauron and his minions. We could damage the boats enough to make it seem as if we were ambushed and had died and the servants of Sauron would tell him of our demise and his watch for us would lessen."

• "But how would he know we had the Ring?", Aragorn asked. "He knows that a hobbit used it last. Just leave something that definitely belongs to one in one boat and we're good to go", Estateillio explained her idea, the strange saying slipping from her tongue before she could stop it and it was questioned immediately: "Good to go?"

• The elleth shook her head: "A saying from the Haladin. It means we'll be fine." Nods and then they continued their private council. "How many orcs will be there, what do you think?", Legolas asked and Estateillio considered that question for a moment, before answering: "Normally there are next to none in Ithilien during winter, but now that they are preparing for war, we might happen upon a group of scouts or two. In Mordor there will be many, but that we can use to our advantage, for they are prone to fighting amongst themselves. The slightest incentive and you have a nice brawl to divert everyone's attention."

• "So that is settled then?", Aragorn asked and everyone nodded and then Estateillio thought of something and said: "Should I, for whatever reason, not be with you when you reach the Ethel Dúath, look for Carniellós. It is not native to the mountains, I planted it there to mark my secret paths." And since no one but Aragorn knew said plant, she added: "It's a flower. Eight petals in red and gold, a bit like a star. Like this." And she showed the others her silver ring upon which sat a small metal version of the flower.

• "I have seen this in Rivendell", Sam exclaimed, "But I didn't know its name, nor have I seen it anywhere else yet." And the elleth nodded. "I would be surprised if you did. Carniellós is no part of the natural wildlife on hither shores, but hails from Valinórë. The Ñoldor brought it across the sea and it never really spread." "Then it must truly be beautiful."

• "Symbolic, rather, and useful. The leaves can be used to treat infections and inflammations and the nectar is, similar to Athelas, a very potent antidote", Estateillio explained and smiled, though she twisted her ring absentmindedly.

• "Wouldn't they notice though?", Boromir asked, brow furrowed. "Your brother has been roaming Ithilien for many years and he never remarked upon a few patches of flowers, did he?", the elleth pointed out and the man from Gondor had to agree, "The orcs would never think anything more of it than another part of Ithilien's wildlife. And I would never be so stupid as to plant anything in Mordor, at least when it comes to flowers. Dry grass and particularly shiny rocks, perhaps with a few scratches that look suspiciously like stars, once you crest the mountains." "That is indeed clever."

• And so the fellowship dispersed, Estateillio returning to the Talan and starting her preparations. Her twin swords she had already put aside, the extra strength of Aicanillë provided her with an advantage over having two blades, for she was fairly certain she would be able to wield either her dagger or her hunting knife in the other hand if need be.

• And she prepared the leather sheath of her new sword for travel, cleaning and polishing it, and then checked her other weapons for any sort of damage, testing the belt and leather straps that held her equipment in place, polishing the buckles and what little armor she always wore on her journeys, the vambraces and pauldrons, and after little thought decided to take light greaves and a brigandine as well – as she always did when deliberately going into Mordor. A little more protection could never hurt in such dangerous place.

• And she checked those over as well and over the course of the next day controlled her traveling clothes for wear and tear and had to fix a seam on the right sleeve that was slightly damaged, probably from the fight with the balrog, and as the sun started setting she had packed everything but food and water. That, she knew, they would get with the boats the next morning.

• And she finished the small bowl of fruits and light snacks she had got once she had started her preparations to get her energy stores up and full and then she went to take a bath, so that she could be fully clean once they continued their journey, and then she fell into a deep human-like sleep to be well rested in the morning.


Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!

Sorry that I didn't upload yesterday, I had the chapter done, but completely forgot to upload XD


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