Interlude II

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• Rhawen was nervous. Though she had practically begged her father to be given this task, she now felt very insecure and Sívcelumë, who accompanied her, saw that and put a hand on the young elf's shoulder to reassure her.

• Before them lay Brethil, the land of the people of Haleth, the place where she had been born and spent the first years of her life and that she had left more than seven decades ago and now returned to. And though the forest had changed little, she knew that the people she had known were all gone now.

• "Come, Vélkénien, let us not tarry any longer", she told her horse and the brown mare stepped into the underbrush, Sívcelumë and Ruinmicalen followed silently.

• It was calm underneath the trees, the sunlight painted splotches of yellow on the dark ground and the birds sung in the branches. And they rode through this peaceful place until a group of hunters found them on the shores of Teiglin and quickly they were surrounded and Halieth recalled the language of her mother and spoke:

• "Hail, you valiant people of Haleth, who are strong and determined like few others. We come to you, for Maedhros Fëanorion, Lord of Himring, devised a plan to fell the dark Lord Morgoth and we now gather as many allies as will join us and we remembered your valour and your strenght during the Ascar-Gelion stockade where your ancestors fought for seven days against the might of Morgoth and saved the whole East of Beleriand from falling."

• "We remember the deeds of Haleth, you need not remind us of them. Tell us, what are your names and we will lead you to our chieftain, Halmir, son of Haldan." "I am called Rhawen, the fierce, and my companion Siflumen, the gentle."

• And the elves were lead to Obel Halad, which would later be known as Ephel Brandir, upon Amon Obel and she alone was presented before Halmir and she told him of the Union of Maedhros and the opportunity to defeat Morgoth and his spawn and she asked him for his aid and in return offered him whatever the Haladin might need to match to war.

• And Halmir thought and said: "Alone I will not make this choice. And another matter there is I find important, for few elves were ever taught our language and only one of them is female of my father's stories are correct. Tell me then, Lady Rhawen, are you the fabled daughter of Haleth?"

•  And Rhawen saw the suspicion and concern for his people in his eyes and answered: "I am, indeed, and Halieth she named me, though what you fear is not true, my Lord, for I do not wish to force you into a fight. I came to ask for your help and I was chosen for this task because I know your language and your customs better than any other elf. Though perhaps, if you would allow it I would like to visit my mother's grave."

• And Halmir saw the truth in her eyes and replied: "You may do so, daughter of Haleth, while I speak with my advisors. Handir, my grandson, shall lead you there."

• And Halieth bowed and thanked him and left and Handir lead her to Haudh-en-Arwen, the ladybarrow, where Haleth was buried and she knelt down there and just sat for a long time and only when Handir again came to fetch her, so that she might hear the decision of Halmir, she spoke: "Namárië, melda amillënya, meran isse sí haral, alassëa nál ar hánonya as le nás."

• And she left and Halmir declared that they would march alongside the elves of Thargelion, as long as they did not have to bow to anyone, and they talked long over the finer details of what they would require and after three days, Halieth and Sívcelumë left again and never more would the half-elf lay eyes on her first home again.


• "We need allies" she had said, but that had not meant that she had offered to leave the frontlines and ride to Khazad-dûm to ask Durin for help. But everyone had interpreted as such and so she was now riding through the foothills of the Hithaeglir, Élfaradis with Tyelcalossë at her side, determined to be as quick as possible so that they may return to Lindon which was likely under siege by now and help there.

• "There", she said as she spotted a familiar rock formation that had once been a watch tower but had been destroyed when Sauron attacked Eregion and the two horses, black and white, swerved to the left. Finding the doors of Durin wasn't difficult now and it didn't take the two ellith long until they were welcomed by the dwarves and when they asked to talk to the king of the dwarves about a matter of utmost concern they were quickly lead to him.

• "Hail, Durin the deathless", they greeted him and he replied, "Hail, Lady Estateillio Náriel and Lady Telphen. What brings you to my halls?"

• And it was Estateillio who answered, for she was the one send with the request and Élfaradis only a companion on the journey: "We come from Lindon in haste, for war is upon us. Ereinion Gil-Galad, High King of the Noldor, sent us here, to ask for your aid in the war against Sauron. Once, long ago, our kin fought together on the Anfauglith and we hope to rekindle that union."

• "Long have we been preparing for war, my ladies, for we will not sit by idly when orcs are ravaging the lands. A union, I believe, would help us both greatly." And he summoned his advisors and long they talked about the specifics of their pact, for the dwarves wished to make sure that they still had full autonomy and would ponder long about certain points until agreeing.

• And in Eryn Galen Artanis talked to Oropher and the men of Gondor had sent a messenger with similar request to Imladris and thus the last alliance was born.

Here's the next chapter. I figured that what Estateillio did most during the last chapters was riding around and trying to get everyone to work together and asking for help on behalf of others, so I just took two similar situations from the first and second age. Hope you enjoyed!
P.S.: "Namárië, melda amillënya, meran isse sí haral, alassëa nál ar hánonya as le nás." means "Farewell, my dear mother, I hope that wherever you are now, you are happy and that perhaps my brother is with you."

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