at the Prancing Pony

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• Had it not been raining, Frodo would have payed closer attention to his surroundings and he wound have noticed the tall black horse that stood in the stables of the Prancing Pony and he would have known who awaited him in the inn, for he had seen that horse once when they'd had a very peculiar visitor in bagend.

• But instead he entered and asked the innkeeper for a room and some food for him and his companions and called himself Underhill and they only realised that they were being watched once they were comfortably seated and had drinks in front of them.

• "These fellows done nothing but stare at you since we arrived!", Sam noticed and discreetly the two hobbits looked over to a corner in which at a small table two hooded figures were seated, one in brown and with a pipe, the other in more green-grey tones and with a silver bow leaning on the wall.

• "Excuse me. Those men in the corner. Who are they?", Frodo asked the innkeeper as he walked by their table and the man halted and answered: "They're of them rangers. They're dangerous folk, they are. Wandering the wilds. What their right names are, I've never heard, but round here, they're known as Strider and Hunter, or Lithir as some rumours go."

• "Thank you." He eyed the two and nervously started to fiddle with the Ring and at that gesture the right figure tensed and grabbed the table as if preparing to stand up any moment.

• Pippin's voice cut through his thoughts and kindled panic in him: "Baggins? Sure I know a Baggins! He's over there. Frodo Baggins! He's my second cousin once removed on his mother's side and my third cousin twice removed on his father's side, if you follow me."

• And Frodo stood up, desperate to stop his cousin and he pushed through the gathered crowd and grabbed his arm: "Pippin!" "Steady on!", the hobbit laughed and shook him off and Bilbo's nephew stepped back and stumbled and fell and the Ring slipped from his fist and as he tried to catch it it slipped on his finger and he disappeared.

• Shock spread through the crowd and Strider and Hunter jumped to their feet and in the distance the Nazgûl shrieked, but none of it mattered to Frodo, for a voice had started speaking and a great fiery eye appeared in front of him.

• "You cannot hide!... I see you!... There is no life in the void... Only death!" And the hobbit tried to hide and he shielded his face with his hands when suddenly a bright light came into his field of vision and another voice exclaimed: "Haiva, aica!"

• And the hobbit fell to the ground when the following surge of power hit him and he quickly pulled off the ring from his finger and a large hand grabbed him and dragged him away and when they were halfway up the stairs another wave of power rolled through the air, though less strong, and for a moment he felt nauseous and the room seemed to spin.

• Then it stopped and he was pushed into a room, the door closed and the man, Strider, started snuffing the candles.

• "What do you want?", Frodo asked and Strider, who had by now removed his hood, answered: "A little more caution from you! That is no trinket you carry!" And out of reflex the hobbit retorted: "I carry nothing!"

• "Indeed. I can avoid being seen if I wish. But to disappear entirely? That is a rare gift and I know only one who has it!" And as if on cue the door opened and Hunter entered and when Frodo asked who they were she answered: "Are you frightened?"

• And she removed her hood as well and long black hair came tumbling out and slate-grey eyes pierced him and seemingly looked into the depths of his soul and the hobbit realised that she was an elf. "Yes."

• "Not nearly frightened enough. We know what hunts you", Strider observed and suddenly Hunter's head jerked slightly and after a second of silence said: "Perianir tuluar."

• And the door burst open and into the room jumped Sam and Merry and Pippin armed with stools and candlesticks. "Let him go or I'll have you, Longshanks!", the gardener warned, having only seen Strider and not his companion, who was half hidden in the shadows and standing incredibly still.

• "You have a stout heart little hobbit! But that will not save you", Hunter mused and then turned to Frodo, "You can no longer wait for the wizard, Frodo. They are coming."

• And then she left the room and the hobbits went to sleep, unknowing of the imminent danger through the Nazgûl, who were quickly approaching, and of Strider's companion preparing their room to fool them.

• And then the Ringwraiths came nigh and fell for her trick and angrily left again on their dark horses and their shrieks echoed through the night and woke the hobbits. "What are they?", Frodo asked and it was Strider who answered:

• "They were once men, great kings of men. Then Sauron, the Deciever, gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring. Drawn to the power of the One, they will never stop hunting you."

• "Which is why we need to leave quickly and quietly", Hunter added thoughtfully, "When the sun is up we need to be long gone and we need to move swiftly and hope to stay unnoticed. Only when we reach Imladris will you be safe for a time, young one."

• And then she stood and her next words sounded as if a prophecy to Frodo: "The path ahead is dangerous and you will need all strenght you can get. So rest now."

Well, we are officially into LotR now! The story will probably become a lot more detailed now, because I finally have a proper transcript.
Also, I'm thinking about giving the chapters proper names, because I'm getting really confused sometimes. Does anyone have any ideas for good names?
Hope you enjoyed!
P.S.: "Haiva, aica" means "Begone, fell one" and "Perianir tuluar" means "the hobbits are coming"

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