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• Frodo awoke the next morning and street speaking to Gandalf he joined his kin and thus Mithrandir was free to convene with Estateillio and Elrond in the elf lord's study and they stood on a balcony looking down on the hobbit and his uncle.

• "His strenght returns", Elrond noted and the wizard replied: "That wound will never fully heal, he will carry it for the rest of his life."

• "And yet to come so far, still bearing the Ring, the hobbit has shown extraordinary resilience to its evil", the elleth inquired and handed everyone a goblet of wine.

• "It is a burden he should never have had to bear", Gandalf retorted and shook his head, "We can ask no more of Frodo." "Gandalf! The enemy is moving, Sauron's forces are massing in the east, his eye is fixed on Rivendell", Elrond exclaimed and Estateillio continued: "And Saruman you tell us has betrayed us... Our list of allies grows thin!"

• Mithrandir sighed and admitted: "His treachery runs deeper than you know. By foul craft Saruman has crossed orcs with goblin men, he is breeding an army in the caverns of Isengard. An army that can move in sunlight and gather great distance at speed. Saruman is coming for the Ring."

• "This evil cannot be concealed by the power of the elves.  We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and Isengard. Gandalf! the Ring cannot stay here!", the Lord of Imladris implored.

• "This peril belongs to all in Middle Earth and they must decide now how to end", Estateillio voiced and pointed at a lonely rider arriving and dismounting, looking around in awe.

• "The time of the elves is over, my people are leaving these shores. Who will you look to when we've gone? The dwarves? They hide in their mountains seaking riches, they care nothing for the troubles of others", Elrond objected and Mithrandir answered: "It is in men we must place our hope."

• "Men!", the elf lord exclaimed, "Men are weak, the race of men is failing. The blood of Numenor is all but spent, its pride and dignity all but forgotten. It is because of men the Ring survives. I was there Gandalf, I was there three thousand years ago, when Isildur took the Ring. I was there the day the strength of men failed."

• "Elrond Nestafinwë!", Estateillio admonished, "Thou can'tst blame all Edain for the faults of a single man. Thou knowest of the deeds of Turin and Tuor and Beren and Bór and of Haleth and her kin also. Do not insult our ancestors thusly!"

• "The men of yore were great in their glory and strenght. I remember the courage of Beren and the valour of Tuor and never would I forget the prowess of Haleth of which many songs were written. But that time has passed and the race of men is greatly diminished", Elrond replied.

• "As are we. Where are the times when we would see our current odds as favourable, when we would not hesitate to take matters into our own hands, when we lead the fight against the darkness? The Edain have diminished, yes, but so have we, Elrond", Estateillio retorted angrily.

• "We will, probably, never return to our old strenght, but mankind can. They may be scattered, divided and leaderless, but there is one who could unite them. He could claim the throne of Gondor and lead the Edain united against the foe", she continued, but Elrond shook his head: "He turned from that path a long time ago. He has chosen exile."

• "Aragorn is dutiful. If it is the best hope of winning this war, he will ascend the throne and he will lead and reign justly", the elleth insisted, "I know that it was Isildur who did not destroy the Ring and that it is his fault Sauron is strengthening again, but thou can'tst judge Estel for the misdeeds of his ancestors. Thou dost not hold me responsible for the faults of Fëanor either."

• "And I would say that we have no other choice than to trust the Edain", Gandalf piped up and Estateillio agreed with him and Elrond sighed: "You are right, Mithrandir." And then he left and the elleth excused herself as well: "I promised the twins a fight. There is naught we can do now, but wait, and I shall use that time."

• It was a quick change from the long, flowing dress into more practical clothing and then descending the stairs down towards the practice field. The sound of fighting echoed through the air, produced by many small fights, some with real and some with practice weapons.

• Elladan and Elrohir had found themselves a spot in the middle and Estateillio watched for a few seconds before criticising: "Thou leavest thy left side unguarded, Elrohir, when thou attackest and thou, Elladan, movest thy blade too much. Keep it closer to thy body."

• "Rendataro!", the twins exclaimed in unison, grinning, "You are late!" "Unlike you two rascals, I had some duties to attend to this morning", she retorted and drew Helfarth, the thinner and lighter one of her two blades, and ordered: "Elrohir, thou art first."

• And he gripped his sword tighter and both fell into a fighting stance, bodies tense and preparing to pounce, circling each other. And then the younger of the two jumped and his blade glinted in the sunlight and Estateillio sidestepped him and brought her own blade around, aiming for his lower ribs and he struggled to deflect the blow.

• And thus they fought and often the elleth pointed out his weak spots and gave him tips and she defeated him three times and lost once, before suddenly attacking Elladan and tackling his problems.

• And in the end, just for fun, she fought both at the same time, wielding her two swords with precision. And she disarmed Elrohir and threw Elladan to the ground the first time and the second time, was defeated, though not without taking out one of the twins first and then she challenged Glorfindel and their fight ended in a tie and they would have sparred again, had the bell not rung for lunch.

Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!
P.S.: Rendataro means aunt (literally father's cousin).

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