the Council of Elrond

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• Whispers echoed through the air, barely there, but still heard, and it made the gathered people uneasy.

• "This", Estateillio declared and gestured to the Ring, "is the greatest weapon of the enemy, for much of his power is contained in it. Should it be destroyed, Sauron and his forces would fall, but if he reclaims it, there is little hope left."

• "If it truly contains a lot of power, then we should use it! It's a gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe.  Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy, let us use it against him!", Boromir inquired, standing up and stepping towards the middle of the room, where Estateillio stood and the Ring laid.

• "You cannot wield it, none of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master", Strider exclaimed before the elleth could and Boromir turned around and asked scathingly: "And what would a ranger know of this matter?"

• "This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance", Legolas piped up and stood to defend his friend and Estateillio raised her hands and called: "Peace. We have not come here to argue, but to hold council. I would ask you to sort out your disagreements later, so that we may focus on what is important."

• And Legolas and Boromir begrudgingly sat down and she continued talking: "You are right, Lord Aragorn, the Ring cannot be used, for it would turn even the best intentions to evil. No good can be wrought with the power of Sauron Gorthaur."

• "You have only one choice: the Ring must be destroyed", Elrond added and inclined her head in agreement and too returned to her seat.

• "Then what are we waiting for?", a red-haired dwarf exclaimed, took his axe and leapt, bringing the sharp edge down onto the golden band and it shattered, sending a surge of power through the air and throwing back the dwarf. Again, whispers echoed through the air, promises in the black tongue, and threats and it caused slight headaches.

• The Ring laid, other than the axe, undamaged on its pedestal, its golden gleam mocking them. "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess. My grandfather, perhaps, might be the only one of the people of Mordor earth to have such skill, but he is long dead. But there are other ways, dangerous though they are", Estateillio said calmly and Elrond continued:

• "The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom and only there can it be unmade.  It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the firey chasm from whence it came. One of us must do this."

• Silence fell over the council, lying heavily on their shoulders as they contemplated and it was Boromir who spoke first:

• "One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep and the great eye is ever watchful. Tis a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly."

• "With ten thousand men? Yes, then it would indeed be foolish to attempt such feat, but in a small group or even alone it might be done, with stealth rather that with strenght of arms and against the poison there I have herbs, antidotes that I have found over many years. I dare say it is easy once you have found safe points of entry and exit and I assure you that there are many hidden paths in the Ered Lithui and the Ephel Duath that the orcs know naught of", Estateillio retorted, almost smugly.

• "If you know these ways, then you should take the Ring, Lady Hráven", Aeariel of the Grey Havens suggested, "your skill with blade and bow is widely known amongst our kin and wider even, perhaps, your hatred towards the enemy."

• "I will not. The Ring seduces those with great power. I would, in the end, succumb to it and use it or I would be rendered unable to act out of fear of using it. So I say: nay, I shall not take the Ring", Estateillio replied sharply.

• "This task has to be chosen willingly, we cannot put this burden upon anyone", Elrond supplied gravely and again a heavy silence fell upon them.

• "But what if we fail on the journey? What if Sauron takes back what is his?", Boromir questioned suddenly, voicing his worries. "Then, at least, we have tried. We have tried to stop him and this knowledge shall make death bearable", Hráven answered confidently, daring the others to dissent.

• "Who shall take it then?", Legolas asked and the dwarves, though their relations with the elves of Eryn Galen had become more friendly since the battle of the five armies, read more in his words than he intended and their old distrust awoke.

• And it was Gimli who exclaimed: "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf." And that sent most members of the council into an argument, even Gandalf, though he at first tried to stop it. Words in the black speech were whispered quietly, urging them on and Estateillio realised:

• "It is the Ring, Rendo. The Ring sowed this anger and discontent." And before Elrond could answer, she rose and cried out:
  "Ash nazg durbatulûk,
  ash nazg gimbatul,
  ash nazg thrakatulûk, 
  agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!"

• And the shadows darkened and all fell silent as the words vibrated in the air, hanging there, and the elleth breathed heavily, pushing away the darkness with her own light, and she trembled for a small moment, before calming and saying:

• "Do you not hear yourselves? Arguing with each other, when we should stand united against a common foe." Had she still had sight, she would have glared them into the ground, but now it was just utter disappointment lining her ancient and marred face, all of her previous gentleness gone as she towered above them.

• "I will take it", Frodo exclaimed into the silence, "I will take the Ring to Mordor... though I do not know the way." And Estateillio turned around, the skirt of her dark red dress swishing over the stone and her expression mellowed as she asked:

• "Are you sure of this choice, young one? You cannot truly return from this path once your decision is made, for then it has become your fate. Choose wisely and listen to your heart, for it will be the reason you shall fail or succeed, be happy or suffer."

• And the hobbit looked at her and to him she seemed like a rock, unmoving and old, yet still touched by all that had happened, weathered, and he saw strenght and gentleness, fierce rage and kindness, and deep sorrow, and he looked at all the other council members and saw the evidence of their past hardships, the wish to protect their land and people and their grim determination and he decided:

• "I am."

Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!
It's a bit longer, but I didn't find a good cut to end it, so here we are. Perhaps I might even manage a third chapter today, its New Year's Eve after all and there's still a few hours till midnight and not much to do.

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