The Mirror of Galadriel

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• The mirror of Galadriel was a mystery to all save the Lady of Light and even she couldn't fully understand it, though she was (probably) the one to have created it. And so Estateillio regarded it with apprehension, though the silver basin on its white pedestal seemed inconspicuous and the sound of the burbling stream in the background gave the whole scene a serene and calm air.

• "I know not what you will see, Rendieli", Galadriel spoke as she filled a silver pitcher with water from the stream, "But I hope that it will help you understand your vision." And she stepped towards the mirror and gazed imploringly at the younger elleth: "Do not touch the water." And then she filled the basin with crystal-clear water and stepped back and Estateillio took a deep breath and carefully she touched the silver rim and for a moment nothing happened.

• And then she felt it, bubbling up from the depths of Eä like water out of a spring and it touched her mind and she was caught in a vision:

• Élfaradis sitting next to her, needle in one hand and her arm grasped tightly, but not uncomfortably, in the other and the pot of ink on a small table next to her and she was laughing, exclaiming: "Don't make me laugh, lest this turn out all wonky."

• She knew this scene. It had happened shortly after Angband, when they had recovered from their various wounds, and Estateillio had wanted to do something to take control of what happened to her body, that she would control the change this time, to make her feel comfortable again. So they had taken to an old Haladin tradition, putting ink just under the skin to create patterns on the body that would never fade.

• "We are of the House of Fëanor, we hold together through good and evil. We protect each other and help each other." Halion laughing, embracing her, Celebrimbor giving her a hammer, teaching her how to smith. Elrond, smiling, mirth dancing in his eyes and Gil-Galad trying his best to hold back a laugh as they overheard one of the visiting Sindarin Lords complaining about Élfaradis' brazenness and the elleth in question rolling her eyes, because it wasn't her fault that they couldn't live with the truth told blankly and without flourish and pretty words.

• In the beginning that had happened quite often, for the hunter had not grown up in court or at least the higher positions as Estateillio had, and thus had had some difficulties adapting.

• Haleth handing her a small knife. "Stay safe, my daughter." The tall and imposing figure of her father who could be so kind. Getting a glimpse of Maedhros standing in the highest watchtower, the wind blowing through his long hair, keeping watch. Macalaurë teaching her music and song, Tyelkormo showing her the languages of beasts and plants, Curufinwë handing her a sword with a scowl, the Ambarussa always trying to light the mood.

• Then she was in a healer's tent, sitting on one of the cots, searching for Élfaradis, who wasn't there, and too afraid to call out for her and then Sívcelumë's voice came, calm and soothing, telling her everything was alright, that she was save and free and she broke down into tears.

• She didn't know what she would have done without the elder elleth there to comfort her after the horrors of Angband.

• And then she was in her dream, standing at the edge of the clearing, but it wasn't empty. There stood Celebrían in a white dress and Gil-Galad with Aeglos in his left hand and in the middle stood Élfaradis, bow on her back and her silvery eyes that she had been named after glowing, a smile gracing her lips. And Estateillio took a shaky breath, blinking back tears, and the hunter extended her hand and a bright light was in her palm and it was offered to her and she stepped into the light and took it and her dead fiancé smiled sadly and the three dissolved into fine dust and the scene changed.

• She was at the beach, the crashing waves in the background and a sorrowful song echoed through the air. Noldolantë. Macalaurë! And she called her uncle's name, but no-one answered. And then her ears picked up the sound of many feet running and she turned around and was face-to-face with an orc and she leapt back and the sword that came down to split her skull was intercepted by a large figure with long, dark hair and the song turned angry and by a great wave of light the orcs were held at bay.

• And Macalaurë turned and looked at her and then she whirled around, the light in her hand transforming into a long and familiar blade and with her father's sword she slayed an orc. They were anywhere and it took no thought to attack them, kill them and she slayed many before she realized that her surroundings had changed yet again.

• Mordor. And as if on cue a tall and dark figure emerged and her brave and foolish cousin charged Sauron and she leapt to his side to aid him and they fought and Estateillio injured his side and while their foe was momentarily distracted, Gil-Galad pierced his skull with Aeglos and the mace came down one last time and hit her and like mist darkness crept up on her and engulfed her.

• And then all was still.

• And Estateillio stumbled back, breathing heavily, and Galadriel too took a deep breath to compose herself again. "I think what we can tell for sure is that we need to find my lost cousin", she stated and the younger elleth laughed: "We have not found him in six and a half millennia searching. How would we find him now?"

• "That I don't know", the Lady of Light admitted and thought and then said, "You will receive a gift of sorts from your beloved. And you will pick up your father's sword again if that wasn't symbolic."

• "It might all be symbolic", Estateillio muttered and sighed. "We have learned something important, now we need to use it", Galadriel spoke, "I will send send word for Círdan and Elrond. We'll renew our efforts to find Macalaurë."


Here's the next chapter, hope you enjoyed!


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