Talks of the Past

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• "What know you of the first age?", Estateillio began, after they had sat down. "My folk has only legends about the elves and in Rivendell I did not get the time to read much about anything", he replied.

• "Then I will start with the basics. There were five great battles fought against Morgoth, the black foe of the world who once was a Valar, and most of the fighting did my kin, the Noldor, who had come across the sea, because Morgoth had stolen the Silmarilli, jewels who contained the last light of Telperion and Laurelin and had been hallowed by Varda Elbereth."

• "These battles are called the five battles of Beleriand which lay in the far west and now is sunken and lost. We fought against orcs and balrogs and werewolves, the ancestors of wargs, and dragons which first came forth in the Dagor Bragollach, the fourth battle, though they had not yet the ability to fly."

• "Angband was the stronghold of the enemy, where he bred his dark creatures, and its name means 'Iron Hell'. He had many captives there and he turned them into orcs and thralls and slaves. I was taken there, after the fifth battle, the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Battle of unnumbered Tears, for my horse had been killed during our retreat and I was grievously injured and thus could not escape from the battlefield or call for help."

• "I endured the tortures for more than a hundred years and was only set free when Angband fell at the hands of the Valar. But the memory never truly fades and thus Smaug could detect the remnants of darkness that still to this day cling to my soul and he called me child of Angband, to hurt me, more than anything."

• There was a moment of silence in which Bilbo searched for words, though none would come. And Estateillio saw his struggle and smiled, slowly relaxing again. "I have made my peace with it. If anything, the experience has only made me stronger."

• He nodded, glad that it did not hurt her, for he would never wish for anyone to suffer, least of all those who had only shown him kindness. "There is another question still plaguing you", the elf observed, leaning back against the wall with a smile, posture now fully how it had been when he had arrived again.

• "Three, actually", he admitted and after an encouraging nod continued, "You are blind, aren't you?" "Physically? Yes, my eyes are unseeing. But sight I have still, so no as well." "How do you do that then, seeing? I know I asked you once, but I did not truly understand what you meant."

• Estateillio thought for a moment, before answering: "You can think of the world in layers. There is the world of bodies and matter, this world, and directly beneath there's the realm of souls which is also called the shadow realm and after that there is simply space, a definition of where everything is. Underneath there are the laws of nature, energy and forces, and last there is the great song in which time is defined."

• "With tendrils of my soul I reach into the layer of space to move about safely and into the world of matter to learn about the exact details of something. It is not seeing as you would define it, more feeling, but it is more accurate and you are not reliant on light and other things which is an advantage."

• "I think I understand. Is that how you do your magic as well? You talked about energy and forces", he asked and Estateillio smiled.

• "You are right, though I do not necessarily need to go that deep. I can simply act in the world of matter, push the air around to create illusions or renew injured flesh, for example."

• "Sometimes though, yes, for greater feats I would need to, at least partially, reach deep into the foundations of Ëa." "Can every elf do that?", he questioned and the elf shook her head.

• "No. Potentially though, yes, everyone could learn, even the race of men if they have the will to do so. But it is no easy task and takes a lot of practice, many learn the basics of healing when they are young, but only few choose to continue and then, later, it is even harder to acquire the skills needed."

• "Did that answer your questions?", she then asked. "One last I would have. I heard large parts of your conversation with Smaug, because I was trying to be quiet like you told me. You gave him many names and titles. Lithir, I understand, for many names you seem to have and thus many faces. But what did you mean with 'the First' and 'mortal and immortal both'? And you said you were a princess."

• "You are very observant to see the link between the former. 'The first', Esta in the language of my kin, simply refers to the fact that I am the first daughter born in the line of my great grandmother and everyone thought it a miracle back then. The mortal part is more of a joke, honestly, for I am darker in complexion than most elves and it just points out this similarity to the race of men who are mortal. And princess, well, I am the cousin of Gil-Galad, last High King of the Noldor, and so, technically I am one."

• "Thank you", the hobbit said. Estateillio frowned, for a second only, and then asked: "You did not give Thorin the Arkenstone?" Bilbo tensed in surprise at having been caught. "He's been acting strangely, as if seized by something", he justified himself and Estateillio smiled sadly:

• "I lifted the taint of the dragon on the gold, but against greed I can do little. It is a sad thing that now, after everything you have given for them, you fear them. But it is a wise decision. The Arkenstone with its light can be... addictive. I believe it to be an attempt at recreating the Silmarilli which everyone had coveted and that had brought us much harm."

• Her expression was sombre when she stood up and said: "Come. Dark are our thoughts and a bit of fresh air should help clear our minds." Then she pushed open the heavy stone door and stepped onto the small platform before it, the setting sun illuminating her form and making her glow. Bilbo followed her and the cold wind hit him harshly.

• "Do you see this, young one, do you feel this?", she asked and extended her arms, "This is what we came here for, this is what we fight for. Freedom, peace."

Here's the next chapter.
It's mostly a lot of necessary exposition (as she said, most know this information or there is no reason not to talk about it).
Hope you enjoyed!
P.S.: I'm thinking about a bonus chapter for Christmas, probably about some festivity during the early to middle second age where she is just having fun with friends and family and nothing bad happens. Do you have any specific wishes (begetting day of someone, some elvish holiday, ...)?

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