Talking to a Dragon

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• They reached the foot of the mountain at early noon and after a short break and after Estateillio and Illúmdil bid each other farewell, they ascended to Durin's door.

• They had to wait for the sun to set and then the dwarves scrambled to open it. The elf who had not been told what to do to unlock it, stood watch and prepared, mentally, for the upcoming fight, gathering her power and spreading it upon her weapons to make them sharper and more lethal and upon her skin to make it more resistant.

• And she fastened her vambraces in which was carved the pictures of two trees and adjusted the grey-green cloak beneath her pauldrons. Her bow of silver wood was checked for damage and with a strap of leather she bound back her hair, for tough she loved to have it mostly open, save for the golden clasp that held the long strands out of her hair, it was inconvenient in battle.

• The door opened and quietly the company shuffled in, careful not to be noticed just now and they made camp and with hushed whispers planned for what was to happen next.

• And it was decided that Bilbo, their burglar, was to steal the Arkenstone, so that they may call for the aid of other dwarven kingdoms in case Estateillio failed to kill the dragon, though she was fairly sure of her skills. And then they rested for a bit to gather strenght.

• Ithil sat high in the sky when they set out and ventured deeper into the mountain and Estateillio hid in the shadows and Bilbo used some ring to become invisible which she did not worry overly much about, because especially her cousin had forged many such magical items and had handed them out to friends and family for protection and over the course of time it had somehow made its way to the hobbit.

• They did not talk, for silence meant staying unnoticed and that meant relative safety from being discovered. And Bilbo was nervous,but determined, and Estateillio showed no emotion, but deep concentration as she listened for slithering scales and deep breaths and when they reached a great hall filled with many treasures, she halted their advance.

• For here lay Smaug sleeping underneath the piles of gold and gems, and here the fate of Erebor would be decided. And Estateillio put a hand on the hobbit's shoulder and told him in their minds:

• "Be careful, young one, for here lays Smaug and sleeps. Find, what you came here to find, and then leave, but make no sound. This fight will be harder, for I cannot kill the dragon with bow and arrow from the shadows, and I do not wish to bring you in further danger, neither do I wish distractions while I do my task."

• And Bilbo heeded her words and was cautious and silent while he looked around for the Arkenstone, but he was still inexperienced in stealth on slippery grounds and so when he found what he sought on top of a pile, he climbed it and took the jewel and slipped and the cascade of gold woke the dragon.

• "Thief", he hissed and climbed from his resting place, "I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air." The dragon rose fully and sniffed around trying to determine where exactly the hobbit was who had stumbled backwards and in the shadows Estateillio nocked an arrow and drew her bow, aiming for the blazing eyes which were some of the few weaknesses of dragons.

• "And I smell you as well, hidden one, darkness clings to you as I have not seen it in a long time. Show yourself, child of Angband!" And the elf took a deep breath, put back her bow and arrow and steeled herself for a battle of wits.

• And then she stepped into the light and Smaug turned his full attention to her and came close and when he circled her he spoke: "Truly, the touch of Morgoth is upon you, darkness clings to your form, yet you still shine bright, and you carry a weapon that would require sight, yet blind you are."

• "I have often heard that my existence is a paradox, oh Smaug the Golden", she answered, standing still as a statue. "You are familiar with my name, but I do not know yours, paradoxal one."

• "I have many names, oh great dragon. I am Lithir, the many faced, though one face I have only, and I am Esta, the first, yet many came before me, I am the Fierce, the Swift, the Free, I am a wanderer, veiled, yet a princess at court, and I am mortal and immortal both."

• "And dwarf-friend, as well, for I smell their scent upon you. Tell me, many-named, have you come to slay me?", Smaug growled denunciatorily and inched closer and Estateillio's fingers itched to grab a weapon and fight, for this fight of words was leading nowhere.

• Bilbo had long since escaped and thus she gripped the handle of her dagger while spinning around with wide eyes, as if she was afraid and found herself face to face with Smaug and with a swift movement she aimed for the eyes to incapacitate him, for the blade was not long enough to go deep.

• And Smaug reared and bled and in his anger spit fire at his attacker and Estateillio quickly jumped aside and drew her bow. The arrow would have hit his other eye had he not moved so much, but when she extended her hand, his head was jerked around as the dagger with the glowing red jewel in its pommel was yanked from injured flesh and returned to its master's hand and Smaug stilled for a moment.

• "You think to deceive me with magic, witch? It will not help you! You will die!", he hissed and she again had to jump to avoid the flames and thus their battle began in truth.

• And in the depths of Erebor, two enemies sparred whose paths had led them both from Angband and the first age to Erebor in the third where they met and merged both knew that one would die.

Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoyed!


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