the Iron Hills

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• Dwarves were not known to be friends of elves and though Estateillio had greatly helped them and most of the company was nice to her, she and Thorin argued for many hours, the elf warned the dwarf of the coming threat and the dwarf dismissed her, sure of the safety of the mountain.

• It was noon, when she finally gave up - or so it seemed. For when Bilbo followed her to Durin's door, he found her gathering what little she had taken with her.

• "You are leaving." It was not a question. "I will return. I'm going to the Iron Hills, should anyone ask." And she left and at the foot of the mountain met with Illúmdil who had taken to strolling through the plains while waiting and they rode away to the east, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

• And for three days they rode hard and in the third night she talked to Elrond.

• "Elrond, how farest thee?"
• "Rendi, Suilan le. I am well, how are you?"
• "We are fine. Thorin is being stubborn, as I expected, and is refusing my council."
• "I believe you are no longer in Erebor then?"
• "Indeed, we are not. I decided to take matters into my own hands and ride for the Iron Hills to ask Dain for aid. He will, if not against Smaug, aid his king against the orcs, so that they may not lose Erebor again."
• "Thy plan is sound, Hráven. Dol Guldur is dealt with and I now travel to Eryn Galen, as you requested, to talk to Thranduil and Mithrandir is with me. He will talk to Thorin."
• "Hannan le, Elrond. Tell me, what didst thou find in Dol Guldur? Was it a Nazgûl, as I assumed?"
• "No, worse. It was Sauron himself. He was weak, but with the help of the Nazgûl he had managed to capture Mithrandir. Artanis drove him away, he should not return so soon."
• "Dost thou know what he wanted?"
• "He had gathered an army, so war probably, as he always does."
• "If Sauron prepares for war, we should do so as well. Last time he caught us at unawares and it would not do well to repeat that mistake."
• "I have send word already to Arwen and the twins, they will inform Círdan, and Artanis spoke to her husband. We will increase our vigilance and hope for the best."
• "Be careful, Nestyo. Last time, Tyelpe and Gil died and before... well, thou knowest our history. I would not want to lose thee as well."
• "Thou thinkest then that this age will end soon?"
• "Hráven does."
• "Then you be careful as well, Rendi. You are in more danger than I am, currently."
• "That can change faster than one might think."
• "Doesn't it always?"

• The next afternoon she arrived at her destination and demanded an audience with their lord and after declaring that she had news of Erebor, she was quickly received.

• "Lord Dain, the second, Ironfoot. Well met", she greeted the red-haired dwarf and he replied likewise. "I hear you bring news of Erebor. Tell me, what has transpired at the lonely mountain and what of Thorin, my cousin?"

• "Smaug is dead and slain. With my own hands I felled him and with his own flame I burned his flesh. Never more shall he be a threat, though another now lurks in the North. Orcs are amassing in Gundabad and Dol Guldur, though the last one fell and many that dwelled there are now dead, though not all."

• "They will attack soon, I fear, for now Erebor is unprotected and easy to take. Once they have it, there is little hope of reclaiming the mountain, and thus I have come in haste to all for your aid. Esgaroth is not in a position to do so and the elves of Eryn Galen always have been hesitant to partake in wars not their own."

• "Grave news you bring to us, Estateillio Náriel, though joy some of them bring. I will gather my advisors and we will think on your request. I will have a room prepared for you and a place reserved for dinner. I assume your horse will want to run free again?" The last part he remembered from the other times she had been there, few though they were.

• "Yes, thank you, my Lord", she replied and bowed and left and a servant awaited her and led her to an empty guest room. "We will have a bath drawn soon, my lady. If you require anything, please ask." "I do not think I will, but thank you."

• Soon she was left alone with a - for her - small tub of warm water and she put aside her weapons and cleaned herself thoroughly, washing away all the dust and the soot of the last months spent travelling. She had been provided with a dress and jewellery of dwarven make that she had used on her last visit and she braided her hair with the dozens of beads and she put on the bracelets and the necklaces and earrings.

• It was easy for her to slip into this dwarven mindset with these clothes, to prepare for the merriment, just as it was to return to the grace and certain aloofness that was associated with elves, for truly she was mortal and immortal both.

• Only her golden clasp and her rings she kept, as well as the dagger that had injured Smaug's eye, for it was custom to always keep a weapon on you and the small blade was less intrusive than one of her swords, while still offering enough protection.

• The rest she left behind in the room, when after a few hours she was fetched for dinner which was equal to a proper feast by elvish standards.

• And as a guest of honour she was seated at Dain's side and he told her of the decision they had come to and Estateillio smiled and thanked him. And then the dwarf lord stood and announced to his people:

• "Great news I have, for Smaug is fallen and Erebor again is free! But another threat already looms on the horizon! Word have we, of an army of orcs. They wish to take what our kin has fought so hard to retake, that which is rightfully ours! Valiant is my cousin, Thorin Oakenshield, King under the Mountain, and ask those who followed him, but with all their strenght, even they cannot win against an army alone! They need help, help we can provide! Get your axes and your hammers, prepare the catapults and goats. Now, I say, we march to war!"

I don't know what came over me, but at least it brought you guys another chapter today.
Hope you enjoyed!
P.S.: Suilan le means I greet you, Hannan le is deviated from the Sindarin Hannon le and means thank you.
P.P.S.: Please tell me if it gets to scatterbrained with all the names I'm using for Estateillio, it will not get better in the next chapters.

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