the Hall of Fire

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• Illúmdil and Estateillio arrived two days before Frodo would awake in Imladris and they were exhausted, for finding and killing the last Nazgûl had been very taxing without the aid of the ire of Bruinen and the magical discharge of it could be felt in Lothloríen and, according to Artanis, some last tendrils of it perhaps even in Mordor.

• They knew that the Nazgûl would tell their master that the Ring now was in Rivendell, but they also hoped that the threat of someone strong enough to defeat seven Nazgûl without aid - the Ringwraiths were not versed enough in magic to recognise the river's power - would keep them away at least for a time.

• Estateillio quickly reported about what happened on her journey, assured Elrond that she was fine, just exhausted, and then disappeared into her chambers and collapsed onto her couch, sinking into a deep and dreamless sleep.

• Elves did not necessarily need sleep, they could simply rest their minds while their bodies continued working, but after very draining feats, such as the large amounts of magic she had done during the last day or a battle that lasted many days, they slept to allow their hröa to regenerate.

• Strider and the other hobbits arrived the next day and when dusk came again,  Elrond brought some simple food, for he, as a healer, knew that she would soon awake.

• And she did so and she thanked him quietly and then silently spooned the soup, long black hair in disarray and her weapons and her cloak scattered on the floor.

• "Thou shouldst be more careful, Halieth", Elrond finally broke the silence and the elleth retorted: "I'm fine, aren't I?" They glared at each other until her mien mellowed.

• "She does not mean it like that, Nestyo, we know we need to take care of ourselves. We are just... on edge. The Ring has been found and Sauron is rallying his armies and war is approaching and we should have known the Ring for what it was when Bilbo used it in Eryn Galen and Ráven does not let us rest and-"

• She stopped and sighed and massaged her temples and Elrond smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. "We are all stressed, Esmya. It is not your fault that Sauron is strengthening again. I and Mithrandir too did not recognise the Ring when we travelled together", he soothed and then smiled, "And thou didst protect Frodo and my daughter with thy actions, so I have to thank thee, Halieth."

• And then he stood up and Estateillio followed. "If you want you can join us in the Hall of Fire, Rendi. The hobbits have heard of thy singing from Bilbo and have been asking to hear some of it, Esmya", he told her and then left and the elleth sighed and stretched and then set on untangling her hair and washing off the grime from the road and she dressed in red and copper and gold and braided the circlet into her hair and though she was still a little sore, left for the Hall of Fire.

• When she entered, Lindir was singing and so she quietly joined Elrond and his children and she smiled at Arwen and smirked at the twins, wordlessly promising them to beat them into the dust again come morning when the warriors would gather on the practice field and train.

• "Will Frodo recover?", she asked her cousin quietly and he affirmed: "He will. That thou triedst to neutralise the poison, Halieth, gave us a lot more time to work with and the aftereffects will be less severe."

• "That makes us glad", she replied and then looked and the room, "Where is Mithrandir? Hráven wishes to speak with him about what happened at Isengard."

• "Mithrandir is watching over Frodo to make sure he sees a friendly face once he awakes", Elrond explained and Estateillio nodded, "Then we shall let him to that task and speak later."

• Lindir ended his song and earned a round of applause and the Lord of Imladris asked her: "Dost thou plan on singing tonight?" "Later, perhaps", she replied and then she spotted Bilbo who sat with Sam, Merry and Pippin at a table and smiled at her cousin and joined the hobbits.

• "I am glad to see that you arrived safely", she told them and the hobbits, who had not noticed her, turned around and a large smile split Bilbo's face: "Estateillio, it is good to see you. How fare you?"

• The elleth returned the smile and sat down. "I am well. What progress have you made with your book?" And the hobbit talked for several minutes, proudly declaring that the writing was done, but complaining about how difficult it was to add illustrations.

• And when he found naught to tell about anymore, he in turn asked about her journey and she recounted her travels, leaving out more gruesome details, though she did not dissimulate the danger of imminent war.

• And when that too had been told, the hobbit asked her for a song: "Our stories have been told, now perhaps there is time for music. Pray tell, Estateillio, are you in the mood for a song tonight?"

• The elleth smiled and replied: "Once Relyatunton is finished I shall. Tell me, what would you have me sing?" And Bilbo thought and answered: "The one you sang before you last left, about the tree and the bird."

• "I ornë ye melëas oio, the tree who loves a bird. I shall sing it", she mused and they waited and listened to Relyatunton's rendition of A Siquilë Vailë, which had originally been composed by Maglor during the late first age, around the time of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

• And when the last notes echoed through the air and the ellon put down his flute, there was a moment of melancholic silence, before Estateillio stood, acknowledged his talent with a nod and a smile and then seated herself at the harp and started plucking the first notes.

Here's the next chapter. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update, but I'm currently visiting family and did not find much time to write.
Hope you enjoyed!
P.S.: Relyatunton is Figwit.

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