the Battle of the Five Armies

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• With the dwarves the journey from Esgaroth to Erebor had taken two days with boats on the calm river, alone Estateillio could ride from the palace of Thranduil to Lake Town which was a similar distance within half a day or even less and together with the men of Esgaroth who were determined and quick it took her a bit more than a day to reach her destination, asking birds and other animals of the forest where the elves had made camp.

• And within this day much happened. During the rest of the afternoon the orcs gathered in the shadows, avoiding the sunlight for it weakened them and in the night, the elves deceived the orcs, luring small groups into the trees and riddling them with their arrows, shooting flaming projectiles at flammable things and causing chaos while remaining unnoticed, for stealth had always been their biggest strenght.

• And thus they prevented an attack in the night when their foe was strongest and short before dawn Dain arrived in the east and hid his forces behind a hill and too waited for the sunlight to weaken the orcs. And the whole morning their commanders ordered them around to fix the messes and properly prepare for an attack on the mountain, for they expected a larger force to be there than thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and the grey wizard.

• And when the sun stood highest and her golden rays weakened the orcs the most, the Silvans of Eryn Galen came from the southwest and the Khazad of the Iron Hills from the northeast and they surprised the enemy and took his might as between hammer and anvil, though they had not planned it, and after many hours of fighting they would break the forces of the orcs to pieces.

• And during the fighting Thorin and his companions came forth and Kili rained arrows from the slopes of Erebor and the flight to the North was slowed and to the South it was stopped by the men of Esgaroth and they circled the orc army and on the battlefield there fought elves and dwarves and men united against a foe as it should always have been.

• And Legolas slayed Bolg and Thorin felled Azog and was felled by him in return and he died before Estateillio could come to his aid and Bilbo was at his side and the eagles came from the Hithaeglir and brought Beorn, the skin changer, who had once been slave to Azog and had now come to take revenge, and the ground was stained with blood, both black and red and in one spot gold too, little it though was, for Estateillio had been grazed by an arrow, and where her blood fell there later would blossom the most beautiful flowers.

• When the sun started setting and bathed the world in crimson light, the battle was over and scouting parties were formed to search the surroundings for any orcs that had escaped and elves and dwarves and men alike walked across the now silent field and searched for wounded and they found many and carried them to the healers and elves treated dwarves and dwarves treated elves and those of the men who were well enough to help aided them.

• And after those still alive had been retrieved, they went to gather the dead and orcs were piled to be burned later and the men and dwarves buried their dead and the elves cremated theirs and spread their ashes in the shadows of the high trees of Eryn Galen so that from them new life may spring forth.

• And Fíli was named the new King under the Mountain and Bilbo gave him the Arkenstone and after talking with his brother and Dain for a long time, they decided to give Thranduil the white gems of Lasgalen to thank him for his aid and also as a gesture of peace between the two fractions.

• And there was a large feast and the men of Esgaroth under the rule of Bard decided to rebuild the city of Dale and that is where the records of elves and dwarves and men that tell of the Battle of the Five Armies end.

• Only the tale of a hobbit tells what happened next, for Bilbo wrote his whole adventure, which included the journey home, now much more peaceful and calmer, for he travelled with two of the mightiest elves on these shores and anything that could have attacked them was quickly annihilated by Estateillio, whom he found out to be more amicable and cheerful than when they first met and often she would bicker with the Lord of Imladris, who was her cousin, in elvish, though sometimes during the nights the smile would fall from her face and her expression would turn sombre and then the elves would talk in hushed whispers and sometimes Gandalf would join.

• And then they arrived in Rivendell and the hobbit stayed there for a few nights and even in that short time he learned much about elvenkind and in the evenings he sat in the hall of fire and listened to their songs and Estateillio, who was called Estamíriel here, on one evening sang a hauntingly sad song and she adorned herself in red and gold and copper and the eight-rayed star that adorned the two rings she always wore sat where the individual strands of gold that made up her circlet weaved together to form a tree at the back of her head.

• And when Bilbo finally had to leave, Elrond told him: "Always, Bilbo Baggins of the Shire, shall you and your kin be welcome here. Our doors will be open until my kin have all faded and always may you come here, be it to seek shelter or because you wish to learn more. May the stars shine upon your path."

• And Bilbo returned home and after that would many times come travelling through Imladris on his way to Erebor and for a time all was peaceful in middle earth.

This is it. Well, for the hobbit movies at least. An interlude and then we'll be in LotR!
Hope you enjoyed!

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