Return of the Mavericks Ch. 1 (The World That Never Did)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Ch. 1 (The World That Never Did)

Disclaimer: This is an indirect sequel to the first Dawn of Injustice Loud Heroes story. It follows the Destruction Ending where the Hatchilings of the Phoenix and the Children of the L-Crew sisters are now looking for clues on how will they be able to bring back the Phoenix King, Lincoln Loud (formerly known as Firecracker). Now they are stuck in a timeless plane of existence that is the nexus of all other worlds created. It is the alpha and omega of the worlds, and the realm works as if it never existed and exists as the same time: The World That Never Did. Some characters may return while some may not.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16.


In a vast land of pure light and darkness, of beingness and nothingness, lies all the core of existence of all worlds. The World That Never Did is an astral plane that was created by the Primordial Twins.

God (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh or Ieouah El-Shaddai) the ruler of Light, Creation and Being. The Demiurge of All things.
Pandora Nihil Klum or simply Pandora, the goddess of darkness, destruction and nothingness. The Mother of Termination.

Once both sibling raged a divine conflict against each other, until the war broke and a peace treaty was established. They now govern the cycle of all things as equals, with heroes acting as their champions to chose whether the world continues or ends. The promise price, the fate of the world or its inhabitants, they fight on to secure their goal. The brave souls once again continue their fight in the realm to reclaim what once lost.

The champions are cut from a cloth of the fabric of the worlds are now restless, seeking the ones who defied the course of fate and changed the tide of struggle: The Mavericks.

Logan/Knightwing: So where are we going?

Ehyeh: You are destined to fight, so you needed to be ready. We will provide training by going back in the memories of the world. All that can be done in short notice when you take this chamber as training ground. The Memory Skyscraper.

Pandora: Within this chambers, you may have new knowledge or discover knowledge of the old. You may be able to boost the way you fight. Disclaimer is that you are only battling within a memory, so nothing will change even if anything happens. Not only that but some memories may be found pleasurable for you that you decided to be stuck in a limbo, and some are just too painful that you struggle and suffer in repeat.

Ehyeh: In addendum, if you are mortally wounded in the Memory Skyscraper, you won't be erased from existence. You will be returned here and experience a lucid dream of near-death event. That way, you will have an idea to avoid such in the real battle.

Solomon Wisemann/Dr. Brainiac: So what exactly are we doing walking in the vast wasteland? I know that Your Omnipotence and Lady of Expiry can teleport us there.

Ehyeh: We are recruiting...champions. They will be handpicked of the two Mavericks that will rise in combat for the war. And both of us will serve as jurist on the victor.

Lyle: Oh boy, new allies. I guess we will be meeting new friends.

Pandora: Aren't you excited. I know that the memories you have here will be erased the moment you all finish and exit. But nothing wrong of making new friends from different dimensions and bond together. If the situation was any better, you can reunite in a friendly manner. For now, we shall unite as comrade-at-arms.

The group of champions are searching for incoming recruits within the realm. Although not without danger since they all are outlanders, they don't belong in the place so they hurried to find the others while resharpening their fighting instincts as warm-up. They met a group of manikins, an imitation of a person from many different worlds. They appear as crystalline humanoids of those that once existed in the timeline. Though they are mindless automatons, they contain fleeting memories which causes them to fight and try to survive. The heroes fought and eliminated them as warm-up for their exercise as they found a new set of heroes.

One is a boy wearing black and gray suit and has the ability to create force-spatial pathways or portals but due to being in an imaginary world of the aboriginal, he can only make portals of the current world he is into.
The girl wears pink and red suit and headphones and has the ability to manipulate sound frequencies from her vocal chords.
Another girl wears pink and a cape with striped-patterned hair of blonde and brunette had the ability to create glass shards for her arsenals.
And lastly, an infant boy that wears a green suit. His ability is completely random and a combination of the L-Crew once had.

The four children group are in deep danger if they aren't properly trained in their situation and now they are in risk of dying in the unknown realm. So the heroes decided to rescue them.

Boy: Who are they?

Caped Girl: I don't know brother but I'd say I trust them.

Girl with Headgear: Yeah, they saved us! We should know them.

The rescued group then approach the rescuers.

Boy: Thank you for saving us in this barren place. I could teleport us out of here but I don't know where here is.

Lars Batson/Eclipse Loud-Sharp: It's no problem. Now that I know I can still use the tome of the angels even here, I think we'll be in the clear. By the way, who are you guys? I don't believe we have met before, unlike a certain time traveler here.

Boy: Oh, my name is Richard... Richard Loud but call me Localeap. These are my adopted siblings. [points at them]

The one with sonic sound powers is Laney Loud aka Echo
The infant is Ultra Infans
And this girl is my true sister, Rachel aka Shard

Richard/Localeap: And we are heroes from the L-Crew! How about you guys?

Logan and Lars explained their situation and who are the crew with them. The rescued children couldn't believe what is happening or what they are hearing but a few convincing was enough to prompt them to believe.

Richard: I see, so that's why I can't teleport properly. And if you are all from the future, I'm guessing you are my nieces and nephews?

Logan: From a different reality, we are.

Laney/Echo: So you're saying that Linky is here and sacrificed his life to save your apocalyptic world?

Rachel/Shard: And he married many girls?

Lina/Star Hanabi: That's the gist of it.

Richard/Localeap: I knew Alternative Multiple-universe theory was correct. I guess I will thank Lisa for that science lesson.

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: Still weird to find our uncles and aunts from an alternative past timeline.

Lars Batson/Eclipse Loud-Sharp: And we came here to retrieve him back. Our former regime High Councilor, the Phoenix King, Lincoln Loud. Your adoptive brother from a different reality.

Laney/Echo: I see. Well, if it's bringing back Linky, then I'm in!

Richard/Localeap: Count us too.

Panther/Red Panther: Sure thing, Blinky!

Richard: Real mature. But hey, Blink does sound amazing.

Robby Santiago/Titanium Titan: We better go, or these freaks will keep attacking us.

Rory Santiago/Mercury Girl: The faster the better, so that we can see mom give birth to Amanda and Loanne.

Ehyeh: Then next stop, Memory Skyscraper!


Closing Theme Song [Dissidia NT - Explosion]

Unbroken silence
In jewel of an island
Chasing the light & found a big shadow
Standing in the darkness
Bear my loneliness
Light and shadow stare me for eternity
I'm dreaming over time clearly to understand a calling given
by the everlasting
I can't stop the urge to destroy
It infects like a rising flames
Brainwashed strange world in reality
I can't take anymore
We lose track of the preciousness of our life like a shot
Fall into the slough of ruin
But I can change my future
-Choir and Music ends-

AN: And this is officially the first chapter of the DoI sequel. This just the sneak preview from the trailers release. Forgive the delay since this was originally supposed to be starting in March but due to circumstances (the CoVID-19 crisis) the release was moved on this month.

Some characters belong to a fellow DeviantArtist NBWatts. A good friend of mine.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading. Leave a like, review, follow! God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

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