DoI/RotM Secret Report 9 (The Phantom's Menace)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Secret Report 9 (The Phantom's Menace)

Disclaimer: This is just secret reports that may or may not be canon to this AU. Secret reports contain references from quotes, poetry and other contents that may be a topic of controversy. This secret report may occurred after or before the events of Return of the Mavericks. Somewhat short but compiled into bulks.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16

The Ghost and The Shell part 2

Friedrich Nietzsche

-What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.-

-To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.-

-Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he doesn't become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss gazes back into you.-

-Luan Secret Report continuation after SR8-

What happened previously is that Apep, serpent queen of the Ghost Zone and Dorathea's adoptive mother, had tasked Charlene Tanner aka. Poltergeist to battle in an arena to rescue the lady of love (former mistress of the west), Hathor. She is at her final battle but she is also hanging by the thread, holding on to what life she had left. But what exactly happened before the final round? Well, it turns out that the catastrophic event such as the dying and resurrection of the Speed Realm had created an uncanny chain of events. Some escapee from the Netherworld had crept their way to La Xibalba/Purgatory but they could not be accepted since they haven't passed the test in Limbo City. As such, they are instead sent to the Ghost Zone to suffer a different punishment. Some are sent to the Dessert Fires of Seth, while some who learn true penitence decided to take a different test similar to Limbo City division. All in the hopes that they get to have a second chance in life as either a specter or a reincarnated human like the systematic cycle of life. Sounds complicated but that's just how it goes for them.

Back to Poltergeist. What happened? Here's a flashback


Dorathea and Anubis had travelled far an wide to reach the Tormentor's Arena where she will rescue Hathor. The Princess and the Guard Hound explained that the lingering souls that escaped their torments desired someone to listen to their pleas and petitions. Like a therapy session, they needed a listener to help them be absolved and relieved of their suffering. But only someone of godly status can do that or at least, someone with a sort of a holy authority like exorcists, priests or shamans. Hathor was lost since she removed her Star Armlet that protects her from the forces of darkness and unnatural. It was said that she did so to make amends for the lost sons that died during the Exodus war due to Egypt/Surima's refusal to surrender and abolish slavery. Hathor returned as the mistress of the west but saw that the Angelic Armies sent the souls to the Void (with Delgaia) rather than the three realms of the Afterlife. She is relieved that they don't had to face anguish, but horrified that they could not participate in the reincarnation cycle.

It was a failure on her part since they are innocent and it was just the Pharaoh's household (and the rebel lords of Surima) that blindly followed Pandora's influence over them (Yes, this was before Ehyeh and Pandora reconciled). It was a tremendous loss. Now without the Armlet, she is trapped with no reprieve nor return. The other lords of Surima that resided in the Ghost Zone could not do anything either since they had a law to abide. The only way to have Hathor the permission to leave her post is to return the Star Armlet, something that has been hidden in Surima for thousands of years. Something entombed, never to be found.

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