Return of the Mavericks Ch. 3 (Dark Slayer and Phoenix King)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Ch. 3 (Dark Slayer and Phoenix King)

Disclaimer: This is an indirect sequel to the first Dawn of Injustice Loud Heroes story. It follows the Destruction Ending where the Hatchilings of the Phoenix and the Children of the L-Crew sisters are now looking for clues on how will they be able to bring back the Phoenix King, Lincoln Loud (formerly known as Firecracker). Now they are stuck in a timeless plane of existence that is the nexus of all other worlds created. It is the alpha and omega of the worlds, and the realm works as if it never existed and exists as the same time: The World That Never Did. Some characters may return while some may not.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16.

Opening Theme [Static P - Rewind]
One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here...
I've been to the hard times
I've been at the wrong side
I've been ashamed
So many memories you know, I like to change
I'm gonna correct this
I'm gonna direct us to better days
I'm gonna turn back the clock
And a different way
I got the power
To turn back time, you know
'Til I find the right road
I've change that fate once before
So here I go
A new story unfold!!
One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here
One more time, rewind
I'll find another wa-a-a-ay back here. Ha!
-Opening Ends-

As Logan/Knightwing, Jor-El/Blazeboy, Lita Rochelle/Firesurge enters their chambers for training, there they bare witness the life of the Phoenix King, Lincoln Loud [formerly Firecracker] and each of their mothers: Paige Brady-Loud, Jordan Rosato-Loud, and Ronnie Anne Santiago-Loud.

When Project V failed and caused an incident that almost endangered Andrew Tetherby, the L-Crew sprung into action to help. But eyes can be deceiving, the perspective can change from the eyes of the ignorant. The Heroes were framed and blamed for the incident to happen and caused the government to ban any forms of meta-activity. Most of those who are against the law are meta-criminals. There is one that enforced such law from the government of Michigan. A hired mercenary named Dark Slayer.

The Dark Slayer is the scourge of the night. A shadowy assassin that hunted down so many meta-humans. His facade unknown save for one thing, his blade. His katana is known to be a specially made blade that can syphon meta-powers, leaving his prey powerless. His peerless speed, wits and strength made him revered and feared as a "Demon Assassin". None ever dared oppose him out of fear. Few lived to tell the tale but when they did, they either got arrested or vowed to live normal human lives.

Rumor has it that the Dark Slayer once met a boy, a meta-human that he took interest in. One who is both blessed and cursed by fate. A meta-human that has blazing passion for arts and loved his family unlike any other. They grew up together as friends. The Dark Slayer watched over the boy and his friends. Although the L-Crew got disbanded soon, a group of anti-meta platoon created a division that will act as second heroes for the state. Comprised of members of L-Angels and the L-Avenger himself, led by the Dark Slayer, the group is known as the Cicadas. Gaining fame and favor from the other teams such as the Alien Hunting/Mediating team, the Omni-Team. Even the Fenton Corp of Paranormal Investigation that will soon inspire the Arctic Reaper Occult Research and Detective Agency to the nigh-future, gained the favor of the Cicadas. They hunted down any meta-criminal. Although the Dark Slayer prefers to send them to the Dungeon [Soon to be Birdcage], there are times that he ended up killing meta-criminals due to refusing to surrender. Soon enough there is still peace, soon enough... the Tetherby will scheme once more.

Logan/Knightwing: So this is how dad lived?

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: I gotta say. I like Dark Slayer. He does had some good beats in his music even if I'm not a big fan of heavy metal.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: [singing] Bless me with your gift of light. Righteous calls on judgement night!!

Logan/Knightwing: Jor-El!

Jor-El/Blazeboy: Oh right, sorry. Gotta admit, the Cicadas had some good music. Who made them?

Logan/Knightwing: Aunt Luna and her band.

Lita & Jor-El: WHAT!!?

Logan/Knightwing: Yes, now focus. We have to know much of father to learn to harness his strength.

The group tries to review every memory of their father. However, they had to relive some parts that proved painful to them. Logan re-watched the time his mother died at the hands of the criminal group.

Logan/Knightwing: I wish I could take it all back and never had done that.

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: Step-bro, nobody blames you for that. Not even dad did ever. He just looked forward and avenged your mom.

Lincoln[memory] then used his fiery powers to punch a hole in the last criminal and took the heart and crushed it as it burns into crisps. The Cicadas were too late in action, Paige perished and the only thing left is a fiery meta-human mourning at his dead wife.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: I'm still surprised that Clyde was the L-Avenger of the Cicadas. I wonder what made him stop from being the hero.

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: I don't know the detail but dad said there was a terrible incident that nearly killed Mr. Clyde and decided to drop the mantle of the L-Avenger and become Brother's Eye of the Order of the Phoenix. A near-death trauma that pushed him into staying secluded from line of work and becomes a dedicated househusband.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: If dad never had other wives, we would never exist. But there's one thing that seemed unclear to me. If Clyde married Chloe, Penelope and Haiku. Then who is the Haiku that dad had with us?

Logan/Knightwing: A story for another time. All I can say is that the incident that occurred, our Haiku is also part of it. This traumatized her even at her fascination with the morbidity. This is Prime Haiku, while dad has is another Haiku.

Then they witness the progression of the regime of meta-humans, a revolt against the oppressive government that soon turned a government of meta-humans, lead by Lincoln Loud, who took the new mantle: The Phoenix King. Beside him is the L-Avenger [soon Brother's Eye] and the Dark Slayer himself. Feeling pity of his failure to help his friend and saw that it isn't just the meta-humans that are a threat but those who uses their power on wrongdoings, he was the one who advised of a new governance.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: No way.

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: Now I know what happened.

Logan/Knightwing: With Dark Slayer by his side, not only that victory was assured but no one can stand against him.

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: Something's doesn't add up. What made Project V to fail and caused all this?

Logan/Knightwing: Let's go back and see, one more time.

Back to the memory of the failure that soon becomes the dawn of injustice, it was revealed that another experiment was being held when Project V was being made. A fail-safe experiment called Project E that is underdeveloped. However, another scientist who is tired of the Tetherby's scheme secretly programmed the fail-safe as an antithesis that made Vector fail to be made.

Vector/Project V's voice: Project E... we are one of the same kind... together we'll be as one... we are inevitable!!

Project E's voice: Foolish brother... you are made to be inferior to me... you had the power to develop as an antibody to this cancerous world. Like a virus that adapts to the body until nothing oppose you. But before you'd be made, I was already ahead of my time. I made sure you fail to be made and soon you'll be mine. Do you know what happens within the womb of a shark? The strong devours the weak, cannibalism. Before you can grow, I was already been made strong to eat you. Now I will live this world and find my purpose. I will live as one of them and grow even stronger than ever.

Vector/Project V's voice: Damn you!

Project E: Just stay still and sleep, weakling. While thy branches mix with mine, And our roots together join..

Logan discovered that Project E already gained sentience and was opposed against Vector from the start. He wished to have a purpose, to cleanse the world from evil and give space for those who wished peace. Soon he was named Emerson [son of the word or son of the change/convert].

Logan/Knightwing: Now I know how he was made. And soon he'll be at an orphanage where the regime found and adopted him as my brother.

After the rewind they made a marathon of events that soon helped them see their hidden potential.

Jor-El traversed the time Lincoln discovered that Helios's Heliokinesis/Solarokinesis [Sun Empowerment & Manipulation] is a much superior power to his Pyrokinesis. It was revealed that fire is an inferior copy of the Sun's power. With this he discovered on how he was able to use and properly manipulate his fire powers to its true potential, the power of the Sun. He also found out that after losing against Dark Slayer and failed to be rescued by Xander, Lincoln had Helios be tortured until she had her blood sample taken and Lisa ensured to transplant some of her meta-genes to him, enabling him both Solar and Stellar empowerment [such as meteors and comets] It was Lucy who begged to show mercy to her that let her escaped but only when Xander finally perished and Dark Slayer took away her powers permanently.

Now they know how the so-called "Cure" was made to Lina's mother, Sam Sharp-Loud.

Lita Rochelle was given a trip to Ronnie Anne's training in both during Nuke's operation and in the regime operation. Ronnie Anne learned that her energy manipulation can also affect subatomic levels or molecules of different compound. Not only that but she can now mix energy to her flames and reshape it thanks to what she learned. Just like Firestorm matrix of DC comics, she improved so much.

Not only that but she witnessed the day a raid against the Terror Crew was formed. Lincoln had a disposable flint lighter similar to Roy Mustang of FMA. Ronnie was there and was prepared to finally bring closure to her father's death at the hands of the member of the Terror Crew when they haven't had their powers and still became criminals. When the other members escaped save for one, a female named Sharon DeMonet aka. Payback, Lincoln and Ronnie fought her and tried to make her confess the Terror Crew's agenda and location. When they realize that they're wasting time and the Terror Crew already vanished, Ronnie stunned Sharon and Lincoln used the flint lighter to create a combustion on the oxygen so powerful that Sharon met her doom. With her fate sealed, Lincoln finally had one less criminal to worry about, but Ronnie's still angered of not being able to avenge her father.

Then it was Logan's turn. He researched and traced the reason he was a late bloomer, besides the fact that his grandmother from his mother's side is an Angelic medium of Uriel the Archangel. With this knowledge, he can now fully control the spear Longinus [aka Ra's spear] and more...

The Dark Slayer is also a Cabalist, scholar of angels and demons. Being born from a family of mixed-faith, he was introduced into Israelite and Arabian mysticism [Judea-Christian and Islam]. With such knowledge, he introduced Lincoln into the angel of the Qabalah, the Archangel of Fire, Wars, Masculinity, Love and Courage. His name is Camael/Chamuel the Archangel [Camael meaning Fury/Wrath/Rage of God or Chamuel meaning One who sees or seeks God/One who is raised by God] and he is the Geburah of the 10 Sefirot Qabalah Archangels [Geburah means Power/Strength]. Sometimes in Greek-Roman myth, he is called Ares/Mars for his fortitude and war knowledge. Due to Camael and Lincoln's compatibility of strength, masculinity, flames of justice, and undying love for his family in addition for vanquishing the demon of wrath, Irate, he becomes a vessel for the Archangel. With this, Lincoln gained the power over either Spiritual or Esoteric Flames of both Holy and Unholy kind. Not only that but thanks to Helios's genes, he was also empowered and can manipulate the power of the Sun [Esoteric/Holy Heliokinesis(Solarokinesis)].

As evident as that, there was one time Phantom tried to possess Lincoln but was exorcised and killed in the process due to the angel's presence. Phantom's body was never found and was said to be burnt to ashes into nothingness, not even a soul escaped.

With this knowledge now imprinted within Logan's mind, he has improved his access to his angelic half [His Agel Trigger] and had better control of the divine spear bestowed upon him by the Archangel of Light, Enlightenment/Knowledge and Fire herself: Uriel the Archangel.

Now the three sibling/Hatchlings of the Phoenix had completed their training and will soon exit the memory chamber. But rather going out, Logan chose to find closure inside the training area and spent more time in knowing his mother and her life. Then he joined with the others afterwards.

Logan/Knightwing: Goodbye, mom. I swear I'll bring back dad. This time, he will stay for sure! Bet on it!

And thus ends the training of Logan, Lita and Jor-El. And soon, during the war, they will show the power they have received and inherited. It will now be part of their lives, from now... and all of ETERNITY.

-To be Continued-

Unbroken silence
In jewel of an island
Chasing the light & found a big shadow
Standing in the darkness
Bear my loneliness
Light and shadow stare me for eternity
I'm dreaming over time clearly to understand a calling given
by the everlasting
I can't stop the urge to destroy
It infects like a rising flames
Brainwashed strange world in reality
I can't take anymore
We lose track of the preciousness of our life like a shot
Fall into the slough of ruin
But I can change my future
-Choir and Music ends-

AN: This is chapter 3 of Return of the Mavericks. I've done some research yet again since Smoking Wrecker [Epic-wrecker] had finally updated his story and I needed to have a reason for the plot to happen and to give reason on the upgrades. Not only that, but finally Logan had his closure that he needed. Dark Slayer is an OC of mine besides another that was used by the authors themselves [which was Cheat aka Tobias Goldstein]. I am thankful that they decided to use that idea. Dark Slayer's name will not be revealed until the right time. Also since Clyde will be a hero soon, I had to involve him somehow and give a reason why Lincoln and Haiku are together rather than Clyde.

Teaser on the future chapter: Prime Haiku and Alter Haiku are indeed doppelgangers. The reason behind this will be told soon.

Some characters belong to a fellow DeviantArtist NBWatts. A good friend of mine.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading. Leave a like, review, follow! God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

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