DoI/RotM Secret Report 3 (Songs of innocence/Experience 1)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Secret Report 3 (Songs of innocence/Experience 1)

Disclaimer: This is just secret reports that may or may not be canon to this AU. Secret reports contain references from quotes, poetry and other contents that may be a topic of controversy. This secret report may occurred after or before the events of Return of the Mavericks. Somewhat short but compiled into bulks.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16.

-I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe. That made my love so high, and me so low.- "When early morn walks forth in sober gray" By William Blake (Event after Dawn of Injustice "Creation End" or Return of the Maverick True Finale)

As the retired High Councilor of the Regime, Lincoln aka. The Phoenix (The Kings is removed, formerly Firecracker) had finally relinquish from his duties in leading humans, mutants and others in peace and order. There will be other threats that may arise but that is up to the future generation to deal with. His duties of leadership had come to an end since he saw that the Hatchling and the students are ready to leave their nests. All he can do is perform small acts of heroics, no longer relying on brute and strict force. Surely there are blood on his hands, all necessary evils in creating a batter good. Yet somewhere he still feels the guilt of the casualties he made on the coup and war against the injustice formed from the meta-human ban. Those casualties involved his deceased lover, Paige... and a few of his very good friends.

In a graveyard we can imagine, the Pyrokinetic Ex-Councilor is at the gravestones of his friends and peers.

Paige Loud: born 2004, died 20XX. Loving Mother, Faithful Wife, a daughter and friend.

Next to those are the following (from the Dawn of Injustice Prime Universe Earth-D015)

Tabitha Honeycutt: born 2005, died 20XX. Loving Wife, Talented Musician, a daughter and friend.

Liam Honeycutt: born 2005, died 20XX. Faithful Husband, Honorable Merchant, a son and friend.

Rusty Spokes: born 2004, died 20XX. A Loving Husband, A Good Brother, Brave Soldier, a son and friend

Polina Pain-Spokes: born 2005, died 20XX. A Strong Woman, Faithful Wife, a daughter and friend

Kody Kent: born 2000, died 20XX. A Faithful Lover, A Good Brother, a son and friend.

There are many more to be found and Lincoln couldn't resist his tears from wallowing and bursting. After he gave his prayers and sentiments, there are others that came to him.

Female Voice: So this is where you've been. You really did took the scenic route.

Lincoln: Tabby... Polly... what are you doing here?

Alter-Tabby [Earth-T014]: I was about to ask the same thing. Ronnie and Jordan are waiting at the bistro.

Alter-Polly [Earth-P026]: So this is where our versions lay down? Heh, Rusty, now that was a good friend and sparring partner. Unfortunately, he's just too sloppy to ever make a move. No offence to this version though.

Lincoln: Heh, funny. So it was the same from here to the alternative world too. Such a shame, you both could have been great friends.

Tabitha and Polina Loud... alternative counterparts (Doppelgangers) from a different Loud-Verse that are coupled with their Lincoln. If one can remember from that specific chapter (ROTM Ch. 4) is that they originally belonged somewhere else until the became widows since their versions of Lincoln ended up being deceased. Their despair was enough for them to leave behind the memories of their worlds and move to the next.

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