Return of the Mavericks Ch. 2 (The Memory Skyscraper)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Ch. 2 (The Memory Skyscraper)

Disclaimer: This is an indirect sequel to the first Dawn of Injustice Loud Heroes story. It follows the Destruction Ending where the Hatchilings of the Phoenix and the Children of the L-Crew sisters are now looking for clues on how will they be able to bring back the Phoenix King, Lincoln Loud (formerly known as Firecracker). Now they are stuck in a timeless plane of existence that is the nexus of all other worlds created. It is the alpha and omega of the worlds, and the realm works as if it never existed and exists as the same time: The World That Never Did. Some characters may return while some may not.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16.

Opening Theme [Static P - Rewind]
One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here...
I've been to the hard times
I've been at the wrong side
I've been ashamed
So many memories you know, I like to change
I'm gonna correct this
I'm gonna direct us to better days
I'm gonna turn back the clock
And a different way
I got the power
To turn back time, you know
'Til I find the right road
I've change that fate once before
So here I go
A new story unfold!!
One more time, rewind
I'll find another way back here
On this memories, I reflect
I conceive a better plan from here
One more time, rewind
I'll find another wa-a-a-ay back here. Ha!
-Opening Ends-

As the heroes are teleported into the Memory Skyscraper (courtesy of God/Ehyeh and Pandora), the group are bewildered by what they have witnessed. Most are amazed, others are afraid.

The Memory Skyscraper is the incorporeal or spiritual counterpart of the Tower of Judgement that was located in the world's Bermuda Triangle. This tower is the collection of all memories or events that happens from past, present and future. This tower is sky high, nigh-infinite in height where floors seemed to never end. The also holds record of abandoned/cancelled/discontinued timeline only until its removal. However those timeline are being erased slowly in a black hole, into the void. While resumed or new timeline that are being established are developed. Here the heroes will experience immensely from their training. Unlike time traveling, anyone that makes decisions in the skyscraper will not alter the timeline, rather they can find clues of the past, relics of the on-going that will help them decide on what to do when time traveling to avoid angering the enforcers of the timeline.

Logan/Knightwing: So this is the Memory Skyscraper.

Lita Rochelle/Firesurge: It's so pretty! Right step-bro!

Jor-El/Blazeboy: I admit, this is astonishing. Aunt Luan will surely love this place.

Richard/Localeap: Now, I don't doubt that a god exist.

Rachel/Shard: See, what'd I tell ya!

Laney/Echo: So what now?

Ehyeh: You will each enter in your respective training field and there you shall find clues and unravel mysteries. This may provide you knowledge and wisdom. Not only that, but that may give you enough exercise to boost your strengths.

Richard/Localeap: For a god, you sure speaks casually.

Ehyeh: Does thou desireth I to speaketh this way?

Logan/Knightwing: No need, Your Omnipotence. We can understand you well enough.

Pandora: If you are to enter, then every decision you make will not affect the memories deep within. Rather, it will just return you back with no problem and the memories you've entered to will just keep going as if nothing happened. And when the training is over, the battle shall commence and the victor shall be granted one wish each, whether it be collective or individually. But seeing you each have a group of your own...

Lyle "Toby" Loud: I have my own wish. My outworldy step-sibling may have one wish.

Lina/Star Hanabi: Yes, I just want a time where dad never vanished.

Logan/Knightwing: I as well desire my father to be with us, just has my half-siblings.

Each then conveyed their individual wishes. While the Hatchlings wanted their father, Phoenix King Lincoln Loud [Firecracker] to be returned in the world, some of the students had their own wishes.

Rori wish to finally had the voice in her head to stop while Roby wished to understand why their mother gotten stricter ever since that incident.
Gema and Mina (Gemini Twins) wish to know who Kody is. Their father's supposed deceased friend and their mother's first lover.
Eclipse/Lars Batson wish to know who his real parents are.
Liby wanted to know Maggie before her mother married Benny, her Jewish father and friend of Alfredo Isaiah Dalisay [A Filipino Judaism convert]. She thought diving into her mother's memories will prove sufficient
Revy wished to know how Lynn and Francisco met and had her. Maybe this will help her way to Roderick's heart.
Lucky "Luke" Loud-Spokes also would like to know his mother more as well as her mother's second boyfriend, Silas, before she got married to his father.
Leia and Hunter just desired to have to experience their mother's heroism
Solomon Wisemann, peaked by curiosity, desire much more than his mother's lifestyle, but wanted to unravel the secrets of the Apple of Eden (The Knowledge Fruit) that is in possession of his mother.

While the Hatchlings have a collective wish, they also had individual wishes.

Logan, to have time with his mother or see her one last time for closure.
Lita Rochelle, to have her incoming baby brother be healthy and safe. And maybe have a boyfriend... or girlfriend... or both... [Don't ask],
The Agni Kai girls [Hiromi/Sonnet, Panther, Terry] had one thing in common. To remember a piece of memory they had long forgotten.
Jor-El wished nothing more than his father's time. After all that heroism and the regime, he wished for his time for the entire family.

And Lina Sharp-Loud, to understand why her mother once had a grudge and disdain for her and her true father.

The Primordial Twins had processed the conveyed thoughts of the young champions. The two godly beings then decided to add an exception for them provided that they win.

Ehyeh: How about an additional rule to this battle. Victors now can go home with the memories of their time here provided it is only portions or pieces. Only the important details shall be kept whilst I'm working on a new timeline for young Lyle here.

Lyle: You'll do that?

Ehyeh: Have you forgotten already? I'm God, I can do as I please and I feel benevolent doing this.

Pandora: Losers however will not get any reward and much to add punishment, their memories will still be stagnant. This way, when they exit, they will fell as if it was all a just a nightmare. Not only that but the threads of fate will not be in their favor for a couple of years.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: Yeesh, talk about brutal.

Richard/Localeap: Fine by me. So when do we start?

Ehyeh: Each of you will enter a chamber where you will experience the memories of either your closest ancestry, your current self or future selves. There you will feel whatever transpires, experience their stories and learn from their doings. Any divergent actions will be reset upon exit and you will get to see any alternatives the moment you choose them.

Laney/Echo: So even if we chose the other way around and get to see what could have been, there will be no alteration on what is fated to happen.

Revy/Parkour Jr: Kinda like that one game I used to play with Logan during duty breaks. Uncle did bought you that game right?

Logan/Knightwing: The Assassin's Creed. So this is like the Animus Project, like Aunt Lisa's simulator room except the memories are our playground.

Pandora: You are correct.

Jor-El/Blazeboy: Well what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Ehyeh: I haven't seen this enthusiasm for a long time. It brings back memories since King David's time.

Solomon Wisemann/Brainiac: My father?

Ehyeh: No, the king of Israel. I'm referring to him.

The youthful group had then entered their training chambers. The exercise had now commenced as the two Ein Sof Twins will patiently wait for them to come back.

Ehyeh: I hope that they will accept the outcomes of fate this time. Am I right, you two?

Pandora: No need to hide, Mavericks. I know both of you are watching... Spiritus... Materia.

The two Mavericks then appeared before them.

Spiritus - is the god of Magics and Destruction that inherited Pandora/Chaos's will. Cruel and vindictive but efficient in leading. Had a long white hair, dark complexion, ruggedly layered pants of multiple colors and black wavy patterned tattoo. Wields a giant broadsword.

Materia - is the goddess of Machines and Creation that inherited Ehyeh/Metatron's(Enoch) will. Gentle, and benevolent but just and ethical. Had long blond hair, wears a crown of a rook chess piece, wears a long cage-patterned dress that reveals her belly and thigh area. She had wings of blades and gears behind her (4 pairs of blades) and wields a cane staff with gears as head ornament.

Spiritus: I hope the young champions will be at their peak when they finish. I cannot wait to test them in the fray. And no contempt whoever wins, but the victor shall be rewarded absolute rule to the world.

Materia: Agreed, and I expect you to keep your word to battle in fairness. Deserters will be counted as defeated and you cannot influence the fray when the champions fight. You can only battle them when your champions had already been defeated.

Spiritus: As you wished. Now then... I can hardly wait for them to succeed.

Meanwhile in the time tunnel, a tachyon based time ship has now deployed and on the way to reach their destination.

Lori: Rory, Roby, wait for us. Mommy's coming.

Lynn Rivera: Remind me again why Luna and Ronnie aren't coming. Aren't they part of the L-Crew?

Lori: Pregnancy! Plus Luna had Simon as donor while Ronnie is no condition since...

Lucy: I know it's painful but you have to say it.

Lori: *sigh* Lincoln literally committed suicide just for us to have a better world. God knows Ronnie is in grief. It was literally hypocritical of him to make Ronnie suffer the dame fate too.

Leni: Like she didn't deserve that. She could have been with Linky together.

Lisa: We know that but Lincoln was in a dilemma. Either the world is erased and rest or the world goes on. If he chose to reset, would you carry the burden of having to fail from saving so many lives while the rest of us thrive? Lincoln knew the price to pay and he was prepared for the punishment. It has always been his way of penance since the regime.

Lola: Can we not talk about that time? I'm still having...

Lana: It's okay Lola. We're here.

Lucy: Traumatized after Lincoln defeated her when the regime started. I'd understand too, which is why I surrendered. I was spared from the pain.

Lana: Easy for you! He's hurting a lot of people just for the sake of it.

Lucy: And because of the regime, Helios was spared and she ultimately lost her power and was given to Lincoln. At least I get to keep my friends alive without the threat of treachery! She on probation now but she's improving.

Lily: Enough! We can discuss this in a much later time!

The others silenced themselves. At the back of their minds, only had one desire.

For this to be all over.

-To be Continued-

Unbroken silence
In jewel of an island
Chasing the light & found a big shadow
Standing in the darkness
Bear my loneliness
Light and shadow stare me for eternity
I'm dreaming over time clearly to understand a calling given
by the everlasting
I can't stop the urge to destroy
It infects like a rising flames
Brainwashed strange world in reality
I can't take anymore
We lose track of the preciousness of our life like a shot
Fall into the slough of ruin
But I can change my future
-Choir and Music ends-

AN: And that's the 2nd chapter. This has been a good start. Secrets will be revealed and battles will be born once again. Notice that some characters will not be participating such as Luna and Ronnie for reasons. Others as well (such as the Ben & Jen 10 related characters since they aren't available right now. Scarlet Arrows aren't available so Robin Hood, Queen Sonica, and some others too.) Also, champions will be divided and the L-Girls aren't the only one in that ship.

Some characters belong to a fellow DeviantArtist NBWatts. A good friend of mine.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading. Leave a like, review, follow! God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!!

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