DoI/RotM Secret Report 2 (Sons and Daughters of Shadows)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Secret Report 2 (Sons and Daughters of Shadows)

Disclaimer: This is just secret reports that may or may not be canon to this AU. Secret reports contain references from quotes, poetry and other contents that may be a topic of controversy. This is focused on Dark Slayer's arrival, along with the Umbra Witches and Sword Master: Alastor.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16.

This time, let us delve into the background of one of Cicada's Founders.

In a different world similar to this, there is this realm that was once infested by creatures of malice and darkness. The Demons as they called it once belonged to the Underworld, a realm of desolation and ruin. The legions of the Underworld once conquered this version of the realm until one of those demons awoke to justice and became the Legendary Dark Knight. Thousands of years ago, this Knight sealed away the path to the Underworld and brought peace to humanity. After that, he fell in love with a human woman and sired two sons. Once he is nearing his end, he gave a memento to the two boys, his own swords that he used on saving humanity. These two boys will soon face tragedy and will become rivals. The elder crave for power of his heritage (hating his humanity) while the younger despises the other half that caused them so much grief (hating his devilry). Their rivalry made them clashed so much but in turn they are the ones that taught them to accept their individual difference and halves. And soon their world almost fell once more to the legion of darkness, until they continued their father's legacy and saved it once more. The elder left his son to care for that world to join his brother to close the Underworld's gate once more.

Then soon the brothers unite and their bonds repaired. But even then, after their brotherhood rekindles, so is their rivalry.

Once more the two fought a friendly match to decide who is the victor. These two are...

Dark Slayer - Named from Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil Knight). Bore many names such as Nelo Angelo/Dark Angel, Gilver Bluehide, Urizen the Dark King, V the Nightmare Shadow, The First and The Last. Wields the Blade of Separation, Yamato the Katana.

Alastor - Named from Dante Alighieri (Dante Knight). Bore the names: Sword Master Alastor, The Dauntless Royal Guard of Humanity, Bianco Diavolo/White Demon, Mercenary in Red, The Gunslinger: Antonio Redgrave. Wields dual pistols; Ebony and Ivory, and the Magic Sword of Awakening; Rebellion (which soon evolved into Legendary Sword Dante after fusing with the Blade of Sparda).

Dark Slayer: Don't you dare say it!

Alastor: Hmm, [Shoots two enemies] Jackpot!

After that interruption they continued their fight.

Alastor: Why'd you leave me hanging? We used to love saying those!

Dark Slayer: I have no recollection.

Alastor: Really? Lemme jog that memory! [more enemies came but she slashed them] A little Virgil...crying in the corner. Because mommy got mad.

Dark Slayer: [shreds plenty of his foes] I recall seeing you cry on the corner when father raise his voice.

Then their fight continues.

Alastor: Heh, how will they feel if they see us now?

Dark Slayer: Why does it matter? We're still here, aren't we!?

Alastor: Yeah, you're probably right.

Their brawl still concluded in a tie but the power surge from severing the Qlippoth Tree caused rifts that opened a path to other dimensions. A rift that even Beatrice/Trish and Lady/Mary Anne Arkham ended up investigating and getting caught.

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