DoI/RotM Secret Report 11 (Pandora's Heart)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Secret Report 11 (Pandora's Heart)

Disclaimer: This is just secret reports that may or may not be canon to this AU. Secret reports contain references from quotes, poetry and other contents that may be a topic of controversy. This secret report may occurred after or before the events of Return of the Mavericks. Somewhat short but compiled into bulks.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16

Read AN below

-True Redemption is when guilt leads to good.- Khaled Hosseini

-A good act doesn't wash the bad, nor a bad act washes the good. each should have its own reward- George R.R. Martin

-If we allow the negative to take over. it will quickly consume us to the point we will lose control- Karli Rush

-Timeperiod, after Secret Report 9 (After Lincoln declined Vesuvius and Hornet despite persuasion). Possibly after or during Secret Report 10-

Meanwhile in the coasts of Britain, Carol Pingrey-Dalisay is patrolling for any other side effects from the aftermath of the whole "Tower of Judgement" incident. Even if their world is spared from destruction for another couple of thousands of years, the threat is still there since the Holy Vessel cold still lean its balance towards Pandora's Side, the Destruction Path. Meaning if humanity and all the other creatures existing within the world still caused problems, then who could say that the world doesn't deserve its righteous end?

We all know about who Pandora is... the dark goddess of destruction and a Primordial Twin of the Creator of All that Exist. She is the sister of the God of Creation and Light who is also a fellow Ein Sof (Unending One/Eternal One), in which the world had worshiped; most especially the three of the most populated faiths, the Abrahamic Faiths (Judaic, Islamic, Christianity). If Pandora is the darkness, God/Elohim aka. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh/Ieouah El-Shaddai is the Light.

But how was she defeated and sealed away? Well, Ehyeh made His angelic legions as lieutenants and waged war against her for delaying and destroying what He is making. This sparked the Big Bang that split light and darkness, making the first day and night. After defeating her, she wasn't allowed to die due to her death will bring an imbalance that will also eliminate all, including Him and restart everything again back to zero. So instead, he created from the expanse between Light and Dark a powerful seal, a box from an everchanging technology... the Pandora's Box.

From there, Pandora's powers and herself was magnetized and pulled inside to ensure her imprisonment. With 4 layers of thickness that can only be opened by two keys; one soon to be the Mark of Cain and the other, Abel's Pendant. Both keys offer great power but not without a comeuppance. The Mark represent Darkness, destructive impulses brings violence, immortality, rebirth into descendants; while the Pendant brings miraculous power, healing, resistance to evil, wisdom and luck. Both keys seemed lost until now. Legend says that Samael was trusted with the Mark while Michael with the pendant, hoping Pandora was to stay imprisoned so that Creation can be brought forth. But soon, the Mark influenced Samael and only worsened when humans (Adam and Eve) were created. This lead to a rebellion that Michael fought and won. The Father of Creation decided to spare Samael Lightbearer and banish him in the Underworld instead, removing the Mark and renamed him as Lucifer Morningstar. But as last hurrah to prove that humans don't deserve to exist or to demonstrate that humanity shouldn't have freedom, he tempted humans to disobey and steal the Forbidden Fruit and eat the fruit (which will leave the large seed to be fossilized into the Apple of Eden). This had caused a series of chains of events that caused humanity to almost destroy themselves... or attracted Pandora to a point of escaping multiple times from their knowledge of what malice and vices are. Such are the Great Flood during Noah's Ark, The Destruction of Babel City, the 10 Plagues, and many more. From all those events, the box kept getting fortified into 600 layers of seal, 66 of which are weak-points. The Box became a puzzle that may lead to destruction if solved. And it did... Pandora escaped once more and lead to destroy all of creation, and defeat her Brother Dearest.

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