Return of the Mavericks Ch. 19 (Finale pt. 6: It Ends Here!)

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Dawn of Injustice: Return of the Mavericks Ch. 19 (Finale pt. 6: It Ends Here!)

Disclaimer: This is an indirect sequel to the first Dawn of Injustice Loud Heroes story. It follows the Destruction Ending where the Hatchilings of the Phoenix and the Children of the L-Crew sisters are now looking for clues on how will they be able to bring back the Phoenix King, Lincoln Loud (formerly known as Firecracker). Now they are stuck in a timeless plane of existence that is the nexus of all other worlds created. It is the alpha and omega of the worlds, and the realm works as if it never existed and exists as the same time: The World That Never Did. Some characters may return while some may not.

TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. Loud Heroes is owned by Smoking Wrecker [Epic-Wrecker] and Zachlor16.

Opening Theme [Static P - Rewind]

One more time, rewind

I'll find another way back here...

I've been to the hard times

I've been at the wrong side

I've been ashamed

So many memories you know, I like to change

I'm gonna correct this

I'm gonna direct us to better days

I'm gonna turn back the clock

And a different way

I got the power

To turn back time, you know

'Til I find the right road

I've change that fate once before

So here I go

A new story unfold!!

One more time, rewind

I'll find another way back here

On this memories, I reflect

I conceive a better plan from here

One more time, rewind

I'll find another wa-a-a-ay back here. Ha!

-Opening Ends-

The heroes had went through seven cycles of battle and respite within The World That Never Did. Now readily charged the power of each cores, they must now face the last obstacle that is hindering them from bringing back the alternative Creation timeline. The Vector of the erased timeline [From Smoking Wrecker's Loud Heroes AU] and Desperado Chaos, the lingering sentiment of the son of Pandora (Delgaia/Chaos). With Emerson now allying himself to the hero's side, the long journey of rediscovery, tribunals, and tribulations will soon finally conclude.

With the Rift sealed off by the help of Dark Slayer, his brother; Alastor/Tony Redgrave, Cereza, Jeanne, and Beatrice, all that is left is the daunting task of finishing the warfare from the other heroes. The fight took so much energy from them. They may come back to their world as a different person even with the purification from their memories of the land they've been summoned to. But in exchange that they finally receive the fate they so desired to, the heroes are willing to make a sacrifice to obtain what is rightfully theirs.

-At the Edge of Discord-

At last the champions had finally come prepared to a climactic showdown. The champions of Creation against the remnant agents of destruction.

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