Chapter 4

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Alex Paddington's POV 

As the limo parked perfectly outisde the Montiero residence, I felt myself tense up at the thought of seeing my gourgeous mate again. It was funny how the other day I confessed to  liking her and wanting to show her dancing off and I couldn't confess the fact that I was a warewolf and she was my soul mate. Thinking of her reaction made me chuckle interiorly as I walked up to the front door, still shaking as I managed to knock on the door. I was shocked when the door open to be greeted by a young built man, with brown eyes matching his hair colour. He looked around my "age". Who was he? He better not be her boyfriend or I will take him down right this instance. My wolf started rising when his voice suddenly flipped the heated silence that lay amogst us for a minute. 

"Hi, you must be Christie's boss, Alex Paddington?" he said narrowing his eyes slightly as he pointed at me as he waited for my response. 

"Yes" I nodded my head slightly, still in confusion as to who the man in front of me was as I continued to calm my wolf down. 

"Right, I am a Peter Montiero, Christie's brother. Please come in." He said stretching out a hand for me to shake. His words instatnly calmed my inner beast down as I shook his hand rigidly. As he opened the door to welcome me in, I could abruptly smell her graceful scent making me want to go and catch her. Controlling myself, I looked around my mate's home taking in all the details. Her wooden floor looked polished, as if never used, her kitched untouched and so was her living room. It all looked as good as new with white paint on all walls. I noticed a small door at the back of the hallway, slightly opened, exposing a small, orange light from it. It was probably the basement. In the midle of the house lay a grand pair of stairs that led to what looked like five bedrooms. I followed Peter to the living room silently, where he spoke again. "I'm sorry, Christie isn't used to all the formal outings so it's taking her a while. She should be down any minute." He said throwing a short glance at the stairs, shouting her name in the process. As I continued inspecting her house my eyes suddenly drifted towards the stunning figure descending from the stairs like a queen. My queen. The long, dark green gown I had given her hung on her petite figure perfectly, as her hair hung in a impeccable made bun by the side. A cinderella pair of black pump heels matching her splendid outift, accompanied by a couple other pieces of jewlery.  I couldn't help but let out a silent growl as I approached her slowly, sinking in her beauty. I looked at her from head to toe, analysing her attentivley as she analysed me back. 

"You look... amazing." I blurted looking directly at her melting chocolate brown eyes. I saw her bring her face down as she blushed a little making me want her even more. This girl is driving me crazy! My insides were screaming and my wolf was dying to claim her and mark her mine. She rose her head and brought her eyes back to mine as I locked them tight with my own. 

"You don't look too bad yourself, Alex." the mention of my name made me growl on the inside once again as my body jumped with the sparks running within me. Before I could respond, Peter shot me a short, warning glance.

"Take care of her Mr. Paddington." he said once again bringing his hand for me to shake. I took it without hesitation as I thought about his useless warning. Of course I'm going to take care of her. She is mine, all mine. I wasn't going to let any other person lay so much as a portion of their eyes on her. If they did, they would be dead faster than they could even say 'sorry'. Despite that, I straightened  my back and replied to Christie's brother shortly.  

"Of course. Shall we" I said, offering the spectacular woman in front of me my hand, which she happily took as we exited the house after she hugged her brother a goodbye. I led her into the limo, which she was very stunned to see, alllowing her to sit before I followed her. The whole ride I couldn't keep my eyes off her, but something was off about her. She was shaking. Why? "Are you ok?" I asked her, my voice filled with concern. Whatever her problem was, I was willing to fix it, she just had to tell me. She was my first priority now, she was my life.

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