Chapter 9

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Christie Montiero's POV 

A very wrong action...

His lips crashed into mine, kissing me hard and hungrily. The first two seconds I was shocked. Completley paralyzed. His lips felt warm and soft on mine. He demanded entrance, and after a couple of startling seconds, I gave it to him. I knew what I was doing was wrong. Completley wrong. But I couldn't ignore the sparks flying through my entire body as his lips met mine. We fought for dominance but I gave in, sinking  the thunder striking within me. Breathless, I pulled back for some air. But that didn't stop him from leaving a trail of kisses along my jawline and my neck. It felt completley amazing. But before I could continue living in utter pleasure, the sound of a door opening beneath me made me jump in suprise, pulling away from Alex. 

"What's wr-" before he could finish. I pushed my finger against his lips. 

"Shh." I walked towards my door and opened it slightly to have a peek. No this cannot be happening. They weren't supposed to be back for a couple of days. What the hell are they doing here? My parents walked in, a bag full of weapons in their hand and their biggest enemy in my bedroom, making out with their daughter. What was I thinking? I should have told him to leave. I shouldn't have done that! Shit! They can't find him here. I thought shutting the door slowly turning back to a Alex who stood there with a confusing and questioning look. "Ok look, my parents are here and they cannot see you here. Long story. You need to go. Like right now. There is a ladder outside my window, now go." I whispered pushing a big chested Alex towards my window. Thank god for that ladder, or I would have been in a loadfull of trouble. Reaching my window, he stopped. 

"Meet me today in the forest. Outside my house. 9pm. Please." he whispered as he placed both his feet onto the ladder. 

"Yes ok. Now go. Fast." I replied trying to push him off the ladder. He smiled, and with one last peck, he climbed down the ladder. As soon as he hit the ground. He was off. Thinking about the kiss brought a smile to my face. I touched my lips and could still feel the touch of his lips on mine. That was by far the best kiss I have ever had in my life. I thought to myself. The way I felt around him was dangerous. I was in love with a warewolf. If my parents found out, they would kill us both. The thought of his mate suddenly popped into my head. What happens when he finds his mate? He will defenitley have to be with her. They were destined together afterall. Confusion slapped me as I sat down on the foot of my bed, upset that I wouldn't be able to be with him. Pins and needles poking right through me. 

"Christie! Are you home honey?" I heard my mother call from downstairs. I wiped my sweating head and sighed as I walked back downstairs acting completley normal. Or atleast I was trying to. 

"Hey there. You guys are back early. Thought you were coming back in a week's time?" I asked her and walked up to the kitched grabbing some orange juice, pouring it out. 

"Oh well we were hunting when Ben's father called us. His other son, Derek is back from his hunting trip in Canada. Apparently he found us a case. A bigger pack known by the name of The Black Rising Pack was spotted in Kansas. We decided to cut our trip short and leave for Kansas in three days." there was a minute of silence before she dropped another bomb on me. "Oh and Derek said we should bring you along. So you're coming with us." and with that, she got up and started walking towards the stairs. Oh hell no. She is not getting away with this. 

"Wait! What? Why does Derek want me to come?" My anger had risen to an 90% and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be leaving the kitchen without a fight. 

"Well honey. Ben is dating your sister and well... Derek is your age. He seems pretty... interested in you." she stuttered staring at the ground. Oh fuck.

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