Chapter 6

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Christie Montiero's  POV 

My heart froze, completley. I watched as he turned into his wolf and immediatley darted off in the middle of the forest. Alex Paddington is a warewolf. Holy fuck. The words kept playing in my brain for god knows how long before I started moving again. Not knowing where I was headed, even more questions started lifting in my mind once again. What was the connection between us? The Sparks? What about his company? Were they all warewolfs? Were they from his pack? What's the name of his pack? How old is he really? Is he a rogue? I was exploding with unanswered questions as I struggled to walk out of the forest. My mind was consumed with confusion, yet I didn't know what to do about it. I couldn't just kill him. Worse, I couldn't just let my family kill him. But he's a warewolf. But he would never hurt me, or anyone for that fact. How can I be so sure? Trapped in confusion and doubt I let myself fall to the ground on my knees and  buried my head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes and my temple, not knowing what to do. But there was only one thing I could really do at that moment. Run. Run as fast as I could. To where? I had no idea. But I needed to run, to get back home. I needed to think. Should I tell my parents? No way in hell! I couldn't possibly do that! I cannot put Alex in danger. Why did he look so angry when he came out of his house anyways? Still flooded with questions, I did exactly what I had planned to do. I ran. I ran a fast as my body would allow me to. I had no idea where I was going when I blindly bumped into someone, causing me to stumble back. As I looked ahead of me, I noticed Peter standing in front of me, looking at me in confusion and irritation at the same time. 

"Christie? What are you doing here? I thought you were taking east?" he whispered gently, grabbing me by my arm as he took me behind a tree placing his gun downwards.

"To hell with east! I need to go home Peter, I feel sick and I think I'm going to puke." I snapped at him, holding my stomach to sound more convincing. I couldn't even face him anymore, knowing clearly what they did, I couldn't face any of them, not even my sister. They were warewolfs but they were innocent. At least to me. 

"Alright, let me call Dad, come on, I'll get you back to the car." He said dragging me in a certain direction of the forest as he pulled his phone out, dialing my father's number. How could this be so normal for them? What if they would be attacked by a wolf? What if they die? I questioned myself as we walked back, thinking about the risk they put themselvs in everyday when they went hunting. What if they would come across something worse that warewolfs? I thought as I watched my brother converse with my father on the other line, informing them to meet us by the car. 

As I saw my parents and sister approach us, I noticed their fallen faces, as if they had just lost a war or something. I was clearly going to get a shouting from them. Get ready Christie, here comes the yelling. 

"Christie, are you alright dear?" I heard my mother ask as she reached me. My sister and father had already gotten inside the vehicle, ignoring me completley. Ok not so much yelling after all. I thought relieved. 

"Yeah, I just feel sick." I told her. She smiled at me apologetically and guided me to the car. 

As we drove back the image in my head was on repeat. The way the heat radiated off his body and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a big, brown, beautiful wolf. I couldn't come across what I felt about it. My brain was a puddle of mixed emotions and the only thing that stood highlighted in my head was that Alex Paddington is a warewolf. I'm in love with a warewolf. 

Alex Paddington's POV

I rushed out into the woods where without hesitation I changed, letting my wolf take over. It had been a long day and there was nothing more I wanted to do than walk up to my pretty mate and mark her. The pain was getting worse everyday that I was apart from her. I needed to tell her, I needed to make her mine. I needed her. As I ran deeper into the woods I heard the trees shake beside me slightly, but didn't care what or who it was. I just needed to run, I had to clear my head. My father's words  still stayed in my head, but I chose to ignore them for the time being. Nothing was going to change my mind about Christie. Not even his dumb words. She was mine. Only mine. And no one else had the right to touch her, look at her, or do anything to her. Not even her family for that fact. I thought of ways to tell her as I scattered my way through the trees, not knowing where I was headed. I wanted  to meet her, but I had to look for an excuse. I couldn't just show up at her doorstep and snap the truth at her. Maybe I could take her out to coffee. No that's just stupid. Who tells someone that they are a warewolf and that she is my mate in public. She would probably freak out. Or maybe she wouldn't. Maybe I could bring her back home and tell her. But I can't do that. Ugh, think Alex, think. I suddenly transformed back into my human form as I saw my house a couple of metres away from me. I grabbed my shorts from behind the tree and put them on to cover my naked body, walking back into my house. I was instantly interrupted by my mother when my feet touched the front porch.

"Alex, darling, where have you been? Your father is looking for you? What's wrong dear?" my mother said, walking up to me and very gently placing her hand on my cheek.

"I was running. I needed time to cool off since father doesn't believe Christie is my mate." my mother instantly pulled me into a warm hug, comforting me by caressing my back. 

"Oh honey. Give hime some time, he will come around. Look at the bright side, everyone else except your very arrogant father believes you. Don't worry, I will talk to him. I can't wait to meet her son." she said pulling away. My mother had always been a kind and relaxed person. When my mother found my father, it only took them three days to mark her and mate with her. If only it was that easy for me. I nodded my head slightly and walked passed her to talk to my  sister as I  had a very good plan in mind to get my mate. I entered my sisters room only to find her snogging my beta. 

"Geez Charles, could you not eat my sister whilst I'm right here please."  I said, looking away from the image that made me crave my own mate. Thinking about her soft, pink lips and how they would feel on my own lips.

"Sorry" he said after a small chuckle, lifting himself off the bed. "What do you need?" he said straightening up willingly, as usual. 

"Actually, this time I need my sister pal." I replied walking passed him as I sat on the corner of the bed to come to face my sister, who wore a rather confused look on her face. 

"And what exactly can I do for you brother?" she asked, crossing her arms on her chest as her eyes narrowed on me. I chuckled lightly and continued to reveal my genius plan.

"I need you to help me get my mate." At the sound of that, her eyes instantly lit up and she started clapping her hands in the air. 

"Ok, I'll do anything, you name it" she said enthusiastically jumping on the bed. 

"Hannah, relax. I need you to go my mates house tomorrow, pretend like your car stopped working and ask her if you can use her phone to call me.  I will come and get you at her house. That way you can introduce yourself to her, and I can meet her again. No spilling out any uneccesary detail. Just tell her your name and instantly make her you friend, that's it. When I come, invite her to dinner as a thank you for her helping you and don't take no as an answer. And no creeping her out with your hyer pregnancy motivation." her eyes lit up even more, if that's even possible and without another word, she threw herself at me, hugging me trightly. 

"Ok, I'll do it. Oh I cannot wait to meet her. I'm dying!" she screamed now jumping off to hug Charles as he laughed at her reactions. Or should I say crazy hormones. This was my chance. I was going to get my mate, make her mine. She is mine, and I was willing to do anything to get her. 


Heyaa there!!! I know, I know, this chapter is a bit boring but I promise the next chapter is going to be much much better!! Anyways, any thoughts?? Feedback? This chapter is undedited like all the others so I'm sorry for the mistakes. Thanks for reading lovlies!!! See ya in 5!





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