Chapter 23

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Christie Montiero's POV

We were currently all seated in Alex's living room, my family and Alex's. Their gazes were heavy on me as they waited for me to explain.

"Well... I want to start by saying that I'm a witch; the most powerful one in the world for that matter. My mother comes from the Day Coven, whilst my biological father, Malcomb Clark comes from the Night Coven, two of the most powerful and rival Covens that ever existed apparently. As my parents grew, they fell in love. But they didn't know that there was a curse on both Covens so their members wouldn't fall in love. If two members of the opposite covens ever had a child, not only will that child be the most powerful witch in history but their parents would die if they remained together. After my mother miscarried her first time with Malcomb, she slept with my dad and then gave birth to Peter and Alice. My mother and Malcomb thought they were better apart but one day when they crossed paths again, they couldn't control it and soon after my mother was pregnant with me. Not wanting to die they had to separate again and I was born as a witch"

"The most powerful witch in history?" My sister, Alice asked stunned and amused. I looked down at my fidddling hands and nodded silently. "And you knew all about this?" She asked my father. He aswell, nodded, his head down in shame.

"Ok so let me get this straight, mom cheated on you by sleeping with someone else, and you forgave her?" Peter spoke up sounding extremely pissed. The thought brought a whole to my heart, knowing that I was just a mistake.

"Look everyone has their issues, but after she explained everything to me, I realised that it wasn't her fault. She loves me now, besides, it's not like she can be with Malcomb anymore. And he's married too." My eyes widened at his statement.

"He's married?"

"Yes" my mother answered. I looked away, not being able to look at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her, still facing the floor. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me, wrapping his arms around me. By the tingling sensation I got I knew instantly it was Alex. I leaned into him and closed my eyes to embrace the feeling.

"I wanted to, so many times, but I just couldn't. Everytime I wanted to tell you I felt like you would hate me or reject me and-"

"And now you think otherwise. Because it would have been better to find out from you than to find out from Malcomb. He kept watch on me for all these years, I had a right to know!" I yelled, utterly frustrated. Alex was still holding me, causing me to relax almost immediatley.

"Christie, I am so sorry." By this time, tears were pouring out of my mothers eyes. I couldn't bare to see them, but I couldn't go there and console her either. She lied to me my whole life, she made my life a lie.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but does the fact that you're a witch have to do with the fact that Lekros is after you?" I wiped away my tears as I faced George. I heard Alex's chest growl as Lekros was mentioned so I placed my hand on his to calm him down.

"Yes, he's after me for my power. Only, my power is locked away." He nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. I wanted to ask my mother more about the subject, I wanted to discover myself, but I couldn't seem to face her at the moment.

"I think she's had enough for today. Let's go to bed." Alex said. I nodded and placed my tiny hand in his big one as he took me back to his room. As soon as we entered, he scooped me up in his arms, placing me on the bed gently before coming in after me.

As we laid side by side, facing each other I couldn't think how lucky I was to have someone like him. To have a mate, who would spend the rest of their life cherishing yours, making you complete.

Are you ok?" he asked soon after, breaking the silence in the room. I nodded and placed my hand on his cheek.

"Are you ok with what I am?" I asked in hope. I didn't want to lose him, not to the fact that I was a witch.

"Of course. I love you no matter what, Christie. That will never change." I smiled my eyes bored into his loving ones.

"I love you too." And with that, he connected his soft lips on mine, pulling me closer as he explored my mouth with his.

My eyes felt heavy as we parted, unable to cope with everything going on, and the last thing I remember was being pulled into Alex's hard rock chest before we both fell into deep sleep knowing that we would be there for eachother when we woke up.

Hey guys! I know it's a short chapter but only seven more chapters to go till the end of the book!!! Thanks for all you support! I would really appreciate it if you guys would vote for my story in the watty's 2015! Thanks!!

Picture of Peter on the side ------->





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