Chapter 13

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Alex Paddington's POV

"She's out! Little Emily is out." I heard my beta warn through the white hospital door through which my sister and my niece lay. I hurried towards the door, my mate, my parents and brother on my tail following me. As soon as I entered the room I could hear the cry of my small niece. I approached her slowly as I observed her in the arms  of my happily crying sister, covered in a small, white, fluffy towel. 

"She has my eyes." I heard my sister whisper to me as I stood above her, towering her adoring the tiny figure in her hands, moving around. I had never seen anything that small before, and I was too shocked to even move, or speak. I could only stare at her. Her big, blue topaz eyes, shining like diamonds. Her tinsy hands grabbing one of Hannah's fingers and she stared at her mother with love. 

"She's beautiful. Congratulations Hannah." I heard my mate say from right beside me. As I broke the view from my niece I followed my eyes to see my parents crying with joy on the other side of the bed, happy to be grandparents. My brother was next to them staring at the small toddler just like I was. My beta standing at the foot of the bed observing his new family proudly. And my lovley mate looking at the new born with full adoration. 

"Thank you Christie. I'm glad you came." my mate nodded in return and I focused my gaze back on the tiny child. Soon enough my mother picked Emily up in her own arms, cooing soothing words into her ear as she cried to be back with her mother. My brother and I leaned in at the same time, hugging our sister in pride. Looking back I noticed the crying had stopped, but she was no longer in my mother's arms. She was in Christie's. I watched as Emily clung on to Christie tightly as my mate cutely played and chuckled with the baby. She is going to be a great mother. The mother of my pups. I thought, walking down to where my mate was, playing with my niece. I sat right next to her, looking down at her again. She looked so tiny, I could fit her in my pocket. She was adorable. Before I realised it, my mate was handing me the fragile baby. I was afraid to take it at first, but reached my hands out and picked her delicate body in  my arms. Instantly, my love for her grew and I was now smiling proudly at my first niece. She stared up at me, her hands wiggling in the air. I looked back at my mate and I knew we both were thinking the same thing. 

Soon after, my sister decided to get some rest after the heavy labour, with little Emily in her arms and Charles by her side. They were a perfect family, I couldn't wait to have that with my own mate.

 I had found her, and she had accepted me despite what her family was. I couldn't be happier and I would protect her till the ends of the earth. As we sat down in the waiting room for the rest of my family I recalled her capturing. My jaw clenched and it took all my will power to not shift and set out to kill those bastards. My mate noticed this as her next move included calming me down with her delicate, soft touch.

"Alex, what's wrong?"she asked placing her gentle hand on my arm. 

"Do you know who they were? The guys that took you?" she looked at me with a worried face and I knew that she was hiding something from me.

"I didn't know exactly who they were or what they wanted, but their names were Dan and Joe. Dan was Joe's son. Appparently they weren't the leaders, they claimed to have a boss. They talked about him but they didn't tell me what he wanted from me. "

"Did they hurt you? Did they touch you in any way?" I said, my anger increasing with every word I said. My nails were digging the palm of my hands at the point of drawing blood. 

"No they didn't. Now calm down."  

"You are not leaving my sight again Christie. Ever." I demanded, looking her straight in the eye. I saw a slight smile form on her face as I said so, her hand reached my own and she intertwined our fingers as reassurance. 

Christie Montiero's POV

I looked him right in the eye and he spoke. 

"You are not leaving my sight again Christie. Ever." he said sternly. My smile only increased with his protectiveness of me. I brought my hand down to his own, joining our fingers. We sat there, in peaceful silence, enjoying each other's presence. At that moment, nothing else mattered, it was just me and him.

Soon after, Charles emerged from the room and we all stood up from the various corners we picked to face him.

"How is she doing?" I instantly blurted. 

"She is fine, Emily is sleeping in her arms. She is really tired so she will need to stay for three days. She is on bedrest for the time being." we all nodded in unison as he returned to attend his mate. 

"I can't believe my sister just had a baby." I heard Alex mumble from beside me as he stared into thin air. I chuckled and excused myself to go to the bathroom.

Once was done with my business, I walked out of the stall over to the sink only to be jerked back by the sound of a familiar male voice. A voice I didn't want to hear. 

"Well hello there darling." he said. Standing on my right, was Dan, leaning against the wall, staring at me. A small smile clinging on the face I itched to break. Following my first instrinct, I ran towards the door only to find an angry looking Dan guarding the door with this arms crossed across his chest.

"What do you want from me?" I immediatley pleaded as I looked between them. I couldn't believe this was happening again. I knew this time they would take extra precautions to keep me away from Alex. I just got him, and now I would lose him again.  

"No escaping this time darling." was the last thing I heard before the familiar sensation of blacking out whooped me again. 


Hey guys, I know it's one day late but its here now!!! So what do you guys think Dan and Joe want from Christie?? Any guesses??





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